Annual of Urdu Studies, v. 2, 1982 p. 151.

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Saleem Ahmad belongs to the generation of writers which came to the fore in the Fifties. He has published two volumes of poetry and several books of literary criticism. The essay translated here is one of his earlier and more provocative writings. He works for Radio Pakistan and has written numerous plays and features for both radio and t.v.

M. Azam Dadi is a senior in Chemical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Bishan Narayan Dar (1864-1925) was a poet and critic. His

taxallus^ was Abr, He is also reported to have published a volume of essays in English, signs of Time, (Will some reader try to locate a copy?) The essay reprinted here was the first significant assessment of Ratan Nath Sarshar's genius in any language. We are grateful to Dr. Karen Leonard of the University of California, Irvine, who discovered it and provided us with a copy. It may be remembered that last year (1981) was the centenary of the publication of Sarshar's masterpiece, Fasana-e-Xzad.

Faiz Ahmed Faiz was born in 1911, and last year his seventieth birthday was celebrated in many countries of the world. At present he resides in Beirut, where he edits Lotus, a magazine devoted to the literatures of the Third World.

Shamsur Rahman Faruqi (b. 1936) has published four volumes of

literary criticism and three books of poetry. He is also the founder-editor of Sabxun (Allahabad), which for the past fifteen years has been the most important Urdu literary magazine in India. His most recent publication is a volume of critical essays in English, The Secret Mirror, (See the details in Bibliographical News,} He is Deputy Director General in the Post & Telegraph Board, Govt. of India.

John Hanson took his M.A. in South Asian Languages & Civilization at the University of Chicago. He is at present teaching English in Jeddah.

Alamgir Hashmi has published two volumes of poetry in English:

The Oath and Amen and My Second in Kentucky, He was also the guest editor of a special issue of The New Quarterly devoted to English writings from Pakistan.

Faruq Hassan teaches English at Dawson College, Montreal. He has published poetry in Urdu and an anthology of Urdu short stories from Pakistan in translation. Nothing but the Truth, which he jointly edited with Khalid Hasan.


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