Annual of Urdu Studies, v. 5, 1985 p. 110.

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closer Faiz has left the legacy of his work for the world, and to me the legacy of an extraordinary companionship that leaped across the borders of our separate cultures We never could have imagined that January 1979 in Honolulu that the conference called in the name of the interaction of cultures would produce this collaboration

This fall I embarked on the study of Urdu My Christmas present to Faiz was to have been a letter with his name written in Urdu script, signed with mine also in Urdu

Instead he is gone That letter will never be written One final poem I don't have the original literal version

The Day Death Comes

How will it be the day death comes9

Perhaps like the gift when night begins,

the first kiss on the lips, given unasked,

the kiss that opens the way to marvelous worlds

while in the distance, an April of nameless flowers

agitates the moon s heart

Perhaps in this way when the morning, green with unopened buds begins to sway in the bedroom of the beloved and the tinkle of stars as they ruch to depart can be heard on the silent windows

What ^/il! it be like, the day death comes7

Perhaps like a vein screaming

wi^h the premonition of pain

under the edge of a knife, as a shadow,

the assassin holding the knife

spreads out with a wing span

from one end of the world to the other

Whichever way death comes, or whenever,

in the guise of a disdainful beloved

who is always cold,

there will be the same words of farewell to the heart

"Thank God it is finished the night of the broken-hearted

Praise be to the meeting of lips

the honeyed lips / have known "

In his poetry m his steadfast service to his people, in the memories he has left in millions of hearts everywhere and in my own heart, Faiz will continue to live '

New York, December 1984

' Reprinted with the permission of Columbia Magazine Copyright 1985

Annual of Urdu Studies, #5 ]_]_Q

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