Annual of Urdu Studies, v. 6, 1987 p. 34.

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to be seen as an ego at best it is a witness to the cosmic process unfolding around it and of which it too is a part Thus the knowledge obtained is not of fixed objects but of relationships and processes Wazir Agha s poet is a 'scared witch doctor" who in the end finds himself encircled by 'his creations—these pygmies—these robot toys of words

thirsting for blood— their ancient vows discarded— they dance around him their spears poised'"

Down the Slope

A shrill and naked voice, the crack of a whip;

a screech of rusted wheels,

and harnessed before the voice I.

My eyes blinkered;

my mouth stuffed with a thorny bit;

my limbs strapped with violent thongs;

and my hooves— my four companions-fearless against rocks, oblivious of ravines

A Strange Man

In burnt out leaves,

in the scorched stubble of grass in midday sun,

in the gravel tossed over the bubbling asphalt

you look for signs of burgeoning life1

How strange you are'

In the gloom of the grieving dusk,

at the piercing wail of a train,

you lean over the rail of the iron bridge

and peer at every passerby'

How strange you are1

Annual of Urdu Studies, ^6 34

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