Journal of Arts & Ideas, no. 12-13 (Jan-June 1987) p. 13.

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ferent as also my perception. I think this is the inevitable and necessary path of any creative being.

KS : Again'I quote yoa 'On whom does the earth rest ? The moment I put this .question to myself an image appeared before my eyes. This image subsequently materialized as Edigei/ My question is connected with your laboratory—the laboratory of a writer. Do you begin your works from an image or from an idea ? And at what stage of your work do you include myths ?

CA: Oh, Fve never given this a thought I think I start with the idea. Yes, from the idea. I get an idea which seeks an outlet It seeks its expression. And then this idea finds its characters. That is what is interesting. But I must state that it is important for me to know the end. If I know how such and such story must end I am convinced that I should write it If I cannot perceive the end I might labour over it for years but nothing will emerge out of it. I knew the end of A Day Longer than a Century, of the Skewballed Dog Running Along the Seashore, of The White Steamer and ofFarewell Gulsari.

KS : At the very onset of each work?

CA: At the very onset I knew it before a single word had been put on paper. It is only if I know it that I get down to work. For me the idea is of prime importance and then the idea finds its image and expression. Thafs how it is. As far as myths are concerned there are no hard and fast rules. They are included in the process of work Myths enrich the structure and the characters. Yes, for enrichment Otherwise they should be left to exist on their own.

KS : Do you mean for stylistic reasons or for thematic ones ?

CA: I mean thematic. As far as style is concerned, the same thing can be draped in different styles.

KS: In which language do you think ? For you sometimes write in the Kirghiz language and sometimes in Russian ?

CA: My writing determines my thinking. For instance, right now I have to answer in Russian so Pam thinking in Russian. Five minutes later it might be in another language.

KS: Your last few works, were written in Russian ? CA: Yes.

KS: You are a person who is at the crossroads of two cultures—the East and the West Do you feel any barriers within you?

Journal of Arts & Ideas 13

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