Journal of Arts & Ideas, no. 25-26 (Dec 1993) p. 70.

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The Epic Melodrama

The nationalism of the 'modest bourgeoisie' of course also meant other things to other people, as the long and tenuous history of Swadeshi into realism was recalled once more in a series of new shifts: so that if on the one side Satyajit Ray represented the most sophisticated version of indigenist realism, on the other there 70 was a specifically Nehruvian socialist realism: quoted by Mehboob Khan in his definitions of patriarchy in Mother India (1957), a film loaded with psychoanalytic symbology; exemplified by an actor like Balraj Sahni—especially in his classic tirade against Mao Zedong in Haqeeqat (1964: the war movie was dedicated to Nehru), which culminates with an Indian soldier bayoneting the Red Book; but represented most accurately, perhaps, in N.S. Thapa's Films Division documentary Bhakra Nangal in which the camera, in a breathtaking shot, hides inside the claws of a gigantic earth-moving crane to descend into the valley and rise to the sky.


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