Journal of Arts & Ideas, no. 25-26 (Dec 1993) p. 86.

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Cinema and the Desire for Modernity

industrial economy's logic calls for as well as a desirable alternative to the existing patriarchal enclaves within which subjects are situated. This is then a question of emerging from feudal social relations into capitalist ones, an epic narrative of the trans-patriarchal migration of subjects, a struggle within the social 86 for a radical transformation which cinema represents and resolves in its own way.

Popular cinema, however, displays no unequivocal preference for a traditional standpoint in its narratives of conflict between the traditional and the modem. On the contrary, one of its constant preoccupations is with the propagation of commodity culture within the context of traditionally regulated social relations. In the process it sometimes represents the Utopian aspiration to transform the social in keeping with the promises made by capitalism and the modern nation-state.

I wish to thank Lucy Fischer, Janaki Nair and Tejaswini Niranjana for their critique of earlier drafts.


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Chicago. Zizek, Slavoj,1991b, For They Know Not Wiat They Do: Enjoyment as a Political Factor, Verso, London.

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