Journal of Arts & Ideas, no. 2 (Jan-Mar 1983) p. 51.

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have to decipher the language in which the notes were written. Once I decided to decipher the text it became clear that the notes had to be written in Sanskrit, because Melquiades was a gypsy. Such is the writer^ kitchen, which the reader does not get a chance to see. But because today we have broached this subject I can say that these are the real confessions of a writer .. . And so, I did not know how to finish the book. But now I quite like'the finale and cannot imagine ending it in any other way. The book is now compact, there is no way out, there is a lock on the book.

I guess it is time to say good-bye. It was a very enjoyable meeting. Some of what I said here Pve mentioned earlier, but most of it was expressed for the first time. For me it was a real relaxation to chat and recall things which one does not get a chance to do. One is forever busy. In fact it was like an old man reminiscing. Imagine discovering suddenly that you're talking like a grandfather.

ERRATUM: We are sorry for the error in the title of Fernand Leger's painting on p.76 of our issue dated October-December 1982. The correct title is "The Three Musicians' (1944).

Journal of Arts and Ideas 51

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