Mahfil. v 1, V. 1 ( 1963) p. 3.

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Mahfily vol» 1^ no» 1 3

colors in imagery,

In proporbion to the influence Faiz has exerted upon a whole gonerabion of Urdu poetc, his poebic output is very meaner in quantity -- only three slim volujnes, conbaining slightly over one hundred poems. ills first boo^r was naqs-i faryadi (The Questioning Uord), published in 19L^3^ Ills second bool^ dast-1 saba (liand of tlie Breeze )^ containing some of Ills best poetry^ appeared In l9^ while he was still in prison, Lis latest bool^ published in 13^6^ is zindaN namah (Prison narrative), A selection of Faiz's poems in JAiglish translation by Vicbor G. Kiernan was published in 1°?8» his ooeury lias been translabed into several other foreign language^ including Russian and Czech. Faiz is also the author of a volume of literary criticism,

The following 'translation is Faiz^ introduction to dast-i-saba^ tlie only volume of poetry for wilier he himself wrote" the Intro-duction. This introdiction is followed by a sclecblon of eijiib noeus from alll blireo volumes of his poetry. Translations from the Lrdu a-i'e by Ce lu i aim and Carlo Coppola*

"Introc'ucbion" to dast«"i saba

Long ago Ghalib wrobo b^^t an eye which cannot perceive an ocean in a drop of water was not a discerning eye 5 bub merely a Cilld^ toy. If Gnalib were our conbe.iporary^ most certaini; soiac cricic would maLe bho sbatement thab Ghalib either insults the chills toy 5 or aopears to be a supporter of propaganda in liberatwe. If instructing a poet to perceive an ocean in a drop is not an obvious atteiipt at propa-ganda^ then what else is it? Surol; the poet is concerned merely with whether tie drop of water is fron an ocean^ or from tiie dirty gubtor running in the lane. Tills "perception11 of an oceann might well be tlie job of the philosopher 9 the politician or the scientist; it is surely not tlie job of the poebo

If such ideas were correct 5 blien^ though t ie artist may or may not Lave lost his h<.lo5 most certainly his tas would become macli easier, however the arb of poebr^or^ for that matber, any ochor art 5 is nob — for buna holy or unfortunately ~ a child ^ toy, Lveji Gi^llb^ concept of tlie "all-seeing eye11 would not suiTice in biio realization of tlie artist's full function 9 for tlie poeb nob onl,\ has to perceive a? ocean in bhe drop5 but also 1 c^s to s low tlie ocean to others. Moreover, if by Ghalib's "ocean11 we mean Life and tlie Universe 9 we must rci.ombol tliat the arbist himself is a c'rop in that ocean. naturally 9 tlion^ the responsibllib; of setting pace of bides ano tlio direction of currenbs in this vast ocean also falls uoon bhe poet wlio must cooperate in full tiling this duty with biie other "drops" in the ocean.

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