Social Scientist. v 9, no. 101-02 (Dec-Jan 1899) p. 13.

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8 R Nelson, "The Basic Economics of Scientific Research", Journal of Political Economy. June 1959, reprinted in N Rosenberg (ed), The Economics of Technological Change, Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1971, pp 148-163; KJ Arrow, "Economic Welfare and the Allocation of Resources for Invention", originally published in The Rate and Direction of Inventive Activity: Economic and Social Factors, National Bureau of Economic Research, Princeton University Press, 1962, and reprinted in D M Lamberton (ed). Economics of Information and Knowledge, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1971, pp 141-159.

4 See, for example, E Mansfield, The Economics of Technological Change, New York, W W Norton and Co, 1961, and C Freeman, The Economics of Industrial Innovation, Penguin, 1974.

6 H Dcmsetz, "Information and Efficiency: Another Viewpoint*', Journal of Law and Economics, 1969, reprinted in Lamberton, Economics of Information and Knowledge, pp 160-186.

6 See in this conection, S P Magce, "Information and the Multinational Corpora-tion:An Appropriability Theory of Direct Foreign Investment'1, in J N Bhagwati {ed). The New International Economic Order'. The North-South Debate, MIT Press, 1977.

7 Sec C Freeman, "Technical Innovation and British Trade Performance'', in F Blackaby (cd). De-industrialisation, London, Heinemann Educational Books, 1979.

8 For a comprehensive, though slightly selective, review of scientific progress in the Soviet Union, sec Zhorcs A Mcdvcdcv, Soviet Science, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1979. Examples of Soviet failures in applied research have been often discussed in recent years. For documentation of ill-success of agricultural research m the Soviet Union, sec the survey on "Russion Agriculture0, The Economist, 15-21 November 1980.

9 See The Economic, 11-17 October 1980, p 99.

10 Robert Evenson, "Technology Generation in Agriculture", in Lloyd Raynolds (ed), Agriculture in Development Policy, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1979. Some work has been done in India suggesting that the more successful states in the era of the Green Revolution had also better records of agricultural research but whether this is a cause or an effect of the Green Revolution itself and of the general dominance of large farmers in those areas and how much of it can be classed as basic and how much applied are points that have not been clearly established.

n The question of linking class struggles in the political arena with a movement for developing a technology base for a more egalitarian society has been fully discussed by N K Chandra, "Industrialization and the Left Movement: On Several (Questions of Strategy in West Bengal", Social Scientist. August-September, October and November 1978.

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