Social Scientist. v 11, no. 121 (June 1983) p. 5.

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ttisit Harishchamdfa wtot^d Wa^ imbued with a pa^iotie concerft. S^ totk^nt was this cdttcern th^tt wen sonae of Ms conventional

Anefher -evidence t3f ^ociar conmiitnfetit being th^ c^Btt^l driving force of Harishchandra and his contemporaries is pfovided'by the fact that all of them w.ere practising journalists and sorne 9^ them courted risk^^anrf^osse^ wtiiile cfeftdiicting their own jourAals^at a iWe whett jourA^sm—ver-na^tar Joun&alism at^ny^te-^kad not became-a ^&ying ^opo^ition. th^fact, the distinction b^tw^ea jour-italic a^nd irtiagitia'tlve Ht&^attire had ^nof* ye^ crys^talllGed, and the ^mWl^^e betwfeeli^hc 't^o^ 'was eminently suited to a -situation it»^ichmairiNst-atitenof^oialctmc^rnwas inhibited by the cott^ ^ytents o¥ att alieft^i^pt?nsfi(tion. TWt as a ^Journalist Harishchfttidi^ Sho^M have Carn^ft official ^ensxi^e was^ a measure of N§ succesg hi A^yakettfeig^a re^on ^ha-t, after th^ fbi lure of 185T, had barely begott t^ fe^l^the tt^to^r^of riationaliN^litical activity in the 6rgafii^tf^fl of^^

- What w^e ttee yieWs ^f this poUtic^ly conscious pioae^rof a^dd^iii Hindi iit^rawrewi'tb tegacd to Briei&'h rule and th^ qciQstion oT^feeioAl and gufeje^iidn? By^ay oY'aa ex()Bsa«iatsd a Litterateur ili faisown Tight, l^as at p^ins to prove that HaristodtiajaEKira wa^s loy^Hy disposed towards British rule. This exercise he considered esseati^l in al4riw ^f aic

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