Social Scientist. v 12, no. 134 (July 1984) p. 34.

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Habib has shown how with the decline of the Mughal Empire feudalism had reemerged. Further explorations into Indian history and the history of other civilisations in Asia, Africa and America might throw more light on the Marxist understanding of the history of mankind in general and the developing countries in particular.

1 K Marx and F Engels, Pre-capitalist So cio-Economic Formations, Moscow, Progress Publishers, 1979, p 87.

2 Marian Sawer, Marxism and the Question of AMP, The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1977,p 35.

3 Ibid, p 31. ^

4 Stephen P Dunn, The Fall and Rise of the Asiatic Mode of Production, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1982, Part I. Also see Marian Sawer, op city pp 80-90.

5 Marian Sawer, op cit, pp 91-97 Also see Stephen P Dunn, op city Part II.

6 Anne M Bailey and Joseph R Llobera (eds). The Asiatic Mode of Production—Science and Politics, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981, Part III.

7 Ibid, pp 164-167.

8 Marian Sawer, op cit, p 109.

9 Ibid, p 108.

10 Ibid, p 109.

11 I bid,? 115.

12 Ibid, pp 126-127.

13 J V Stalin, Problems of Leninism, Moscow, Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1947.p 482.

14 Marian Sawer, op cit, pp 126-130.

15 Ibid,p\31.

16 Ibid, p 133.

17 Diptendra Banerji, "Marx and the Original Form of Pre-colonial India's Village Economy", Paper presented at the Marx Centenary Seminar, New Delhi, 1983, pp 13-18.

18 Marian Sawer, op cit, pp 104-106, 212-224.

19 Ibid. p 135

20 Ibid, pp 194-196.

21 Ibid, pp 195-196.

22 Ibid, pp 94-95.

23 Ibid, pp 86-87.

24 Ibid, p 87.

25 Mei Zhi, "On Marx's Concept of the Asiatic Mode of Production", paper presented at the Marx Centenary Seminar, Kottayam, 1983, p 4.

26 Anne M Bailey and Joseph R. Llobera, op cit, pp 207-225.

27 Ibid,pp 281-289.

28 I bid, pp 301-316

29 R S Sharma, "How Feudal was Indian Feudalism", Social Scientist, Vol 12, No 2, 1984, pp 16-41.

30 Irfan Habib, "Marx's Perception of India", The Marxist, Vol I.July-September, 1983, pp 92-143.

31 D D Kosambi, An Introduction to the Study of Indian History, 2nd Revised Edition, Bombay, Popular Prakashan, 1975, Chapters 9 & 10.

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