Social Scientist. v 13, no. 143 (April 1985) p. 16.

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trade policy is still not conducive to growth, dismiss 'export-pessimism' out ot hand and point out that successful export-promoting countries "have had very good macro policies...which have kept the growth of wages under wraps".23 The reference here is to restrained monetary and fiscal policy, which prevents inflationary expectations from pushing up wages, but they acknowledge that an authoritarian regime is better able to carry out such policies.

1. Jagdish Bhagwati and Padma Desai, India : Planning for Industrialisation, Oxford, 1970.

2. Gottfried Haberler, International Trade and Economic Development, Cairo, 1959, p. 10.

3. Hia Myint, "Exports and Economic Development of Less Developed Countries", in I. Adelman (ed.) Economic Growth and Resources, Vol.4 : National and International Policies, London and Basingstoke, 1979, p. 103.

4. See the papers in J.N. Bhagwati, R.W. Jones, R.A. Mundell and J.Vamel (eds.). Trade, Balance of Payments and Growth, Amsterdam, 1971.

5. A.O. Krueger, "Trade Policy as an Input to Development", American Economic Review, Mav 1980, p.288.

Typically South Korea and Taiwan. Haberler, Op.cit p. 11. Myint, Op.cit.

J.N. Bhagwati and T.N. Srinivasan, "Trade Policies and Development", in R. Dornbusch andJ.A. Frenkel (eds.) International Economic Policy Theory and Evidence, Baltimore, 1979, p. 18.

10. Bhagwati and Srinivasan, Foreign Trade Regimes and Economic Development: India, Delhi, 1976, p. 197.

11. Bhagwati and Srinivasan (1979), p. 18.

12. Paul Streeten, "A Cool Look at 'Outward-Looking" Strategies for Development", The World Economy, 5 (3) (1982), pp. 163-64.

13. Bhagwati, Anatomy and Consequences of Exchange Control Regimes, New York, 1978, p. 210. Bhagwati and Srinivasan (1976), ch. 14, illustrate this with a simulation exercise for India.

14. Government of India, Economic Survey 1984-85 Table 6.7, p. 162.

15. For a cogent review of the adverse effects of the 'New Protectionism' and the microelectronics revolution on LDC manufactured exports, see R. Kaplinsky, " The International Context for Industrialisation in the Coming Decade", Journal of Development Studies, October 1984.

16. C. Diaz-Alejandro, "Discussion", American Economic Review, May 1980 p. 299.

17. A representative work isj. Riedel, "Trade as the Engine of Growth in Developing Countries, Revisited", Economic Journal, March 1984.

18. For a revealing calculation of the extent of such penetration if all LDCs were to replicate the performance of the East Asian exporters, see Willam Cline, "Can the East Asian Model of Development be Generalised ?^\World Development, April 1982.

19. See Sunanda Sen, "From Import Substitution to Export Promotion : Policy Planning in India's Foreign Trade Sector", Economic and Political Weekly, Annual Number 1982.

20. Economic Survey, p. 81.

21. R. Ramana, "Performance of Capital Goods Sectorin India, 1955-79", Economic and Political Weekly, Annual Number 1984.

22. G.S. Fields, "Employment, Income Distribution and Growth in Seven Small Open Economies", Economic Journal, March 1984.

23. Bhagwati and Srinivasan, "Indian Development Strategy : Some Comments", Economic and Political Weekly, 24 November 1984.

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