Social Scientist. v 2, no. 14 (Sept 1973) p. 13.

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& Row, 1972; Gabriel Kolko, "Vietnam and the Future of US Foreign Policy", Liberation, May 1973, pp 8-17.

8 For discussion, see John W Dower, "Asia and the Nixon Doctrine : The New Face of Empire", Brodine and Selden, Open Secret, pp 128-218.

6 Eimo R Zumwalt, Jr, "The Navy Tomorrow", Ordnance, January-Febrary 1972, p285.

7 For discussion, see Michael T Klare, War Without End : American Planning for the Next Vietnams, New York, Knopf, 1972, pp 142-164.

8 Ibid.,?? 311-64.

9 The New York Times, October 8, 1970.

10 Robert C McFarlane, "At Sea-Where We Belong", US Naval Institute Proceedings, November 1971,p 38.

11 Zumwalt, op. cit., p 286.

12 Eimo R Zumwalt, Jr, "FY 1973 Military Posture and Budget of the United States

Navy", Statement Before the Senate Armed Services Committee, U^» Department

of Defence press release, February 1972, p 22. 18 Zumwalt, "Navy Tomorrow", op. cit., p 286. u Zumwalt, "FY 1973 Posture", op. cit., pp 30-31. 15 The Wall Street Journal, September 11, 1970. 18 Quoted in The Wall Street Journal, September 11, 1970.

17 H G Rickover, "Lessons in Preparedness", Ordnance, January-February 1972, p 290.

18 Congressional Record, October 5, 1971, p H9216.

19 Quoted in Congressional Record, May 25, 1972, p S8422.

20 See the critique by Senator William Proxmire, Congressional Record, May 25, 1972, pp S8422-23.

81 "Budget and Forces Summary", US Department of the Navy Fact Sheet, February, 1972,

12 George W Ashworth, "The $50 Billion Navy Building Programme", Sea Power, October, 1971, pp 24-27.

28 George W Ashworth, "The Crucial Test oP73", Sea Power, April 1972, p 12.

24 See Zumwalt, "FY 1973 Posture", pp 18 29; Ashworth, ^^O Billion Navy", pp 25-26; James D Hessman, "Tomorrow's Navy : Fast, Powerful, and Outnumbered", 6'^ Pow^r, October 1972, pp 15-20; and DMS, Inc., Ships, Vehicles, Ordnance (Greenwich, Conn. : DMS, 1972).

26 Zumwalt, "FY 1973 Posture", op. cit., p 28.

26 For background on SES vessels, see Brooke Nihart, "Small Ships in a Big Ship Navy", Armed Forces Journal, March 15, 1971, pp 26-29; William D Siuru and William G Holder, "Future Water Transport", Ordnance, March-April, 1972, pp 395-99; Larry Booda, "The Small Economy Size", Sea Power, January 1972, pp 17-21; and Larry Booda, "100 Knot Navy", Navy, June 1971, pp 17-22.

27 For further discussion and additional documentation, see Michael Klare, "The

New Imperial Navy", NACLA'S Latin America <2? Empire Report, November 1972,

pp2-19. 88 M T Klare, War Without End, op. cit., pp 358-359.

29 See US Senate, Committee on Foreign Relations, Executive Agreements with Bahrain and Portugal, Hearings, 92nd Congress, 2nd Session, 1972.

30 See US House of Representatives, Committee on Foreign Affairs, Political and Strategic Implications of Homeporting in Greece, Hearings, 92nd Congress, 2nd Session, 1972.

81 M T Klare, op. cit., pp 158-159.

82 Quoted in L Edgar Prina, "These Wine Dark Seas", Sea Power, November 1971. p22.


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