Social Scientist. v 17, no. 192-93 (May-June 1989) p. 20.

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2. Of this, the change in employment attributable to a change in labour intensity is:

(4j2 -- 4jl) XAiji (2)

3. and the change due to a change in area under crop j in state i is:

(Aij2 X L^) - (Aiji X Lijp — [ (Lip —4jl) X A^l = HI (Aij2 — Aiji) (3)

B. 4. For 'all crops' in state i, the change in employment attributable to a change in labour intensity is:


£ (4j2 — 4jl) X Aiji (4) j=l ' - '

5. The change in labour absorption in all crops due to area changes is:

n £ (A^ X 4j2) - (Aiji X LIJI) — [ (Lij2 - 4jl) X A^l


= £ 4i2 (Aij2 — Ain) (5) j=l J r-

But this effect of undifferentiated area change is the combined outcome of: (a) changes is cropping patterns, and (b) changes in gross cropped area under the n crops.

6. Of this effect of 'undifferentiated area change' on employment, the change in labour use attributable to a change in GCA is:

n n n n

£ A^ X 4j2 - [ £ (L^ X A^)/ 5>ij2] X £ A^ (6) j==l j=l j=l j=l

7. Of the undifferentiated area change effect, the remainder, which is the change in employment attributable to changes in cropping patterns is:

(5) — (6) (7)

C. 8. At the all-India level, for all crops in all 13 states, the change in employment attributable to changes in labour intensity, is:

13 n N

£ £ (4j2-4jl) X Aiji (8)

i=l j=l

9. Similarly, the all India, change in labour use due to changes in GCA is:

13 n 13 n n n

£ '£Aij2X4j2 £ [((£4j2X£Aij2)/£Aij2) i==l j=l / r i=l j=l / j=l ^ j=l

x£Aiji] (9)

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