Social Scientist. v 18, no. 204 (May 1990) p. 67.

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1. Religion and Pilgrim Tax Under the Company Raj, NANCY

GARDNER CASSELS, 1988, Rs. 150

This monograph is a study of the tangled relationship between the British East India Company and the great Jagannath temple. The Company reinstated the pilgrim tax at Jagannath temple in 1806. The author breaks new ground by outlining a policy articulated by the East India Company in accordance with its "compact" which promised respect for and non-interference with Hindu and Muslim religious customs and institutions.

2. Labour Pains and Labour Power: Women and Child-bearing in . India, PATRICIA JEFFERY, ROGER JEFFERY, & ANDREW LYON, 1989, Rs. 325

Agrarian relations in North India cannot be understood if women and their activities including biological reproduction-continue to be marginalized. By skilfully interweaving analysis with the villagers' own voices, the authors who lived in two North Indian villages for many months and talked freely to women and men, provide an accessible and exciting reassessment of women's roles in an agricultural society.

3. Roots of Ethnic Conflict: Nationality Question in North-East India, 1990, SAJAL NAG, Rs. 130

The book is an incisive study of the nationality problem in Assam. It delves deep into the development of Assamese nationality from the pre-colonial era and explains how it culminated in the demand for eviction of Bengalees and transfer of Bengalee Muslim dominated areas from Assam. The study perceptively delinates the role played by the various strata of Assamese society viz. the peasant, the worker, the middle class, the intellectual, the elite and the politician in the development of the nationality question..

4. Shelter for the Poor in India, MICHAEL DEWTT & HANS SCHENK (Eds.), 1989, Rs.135

Essays in this book focus on major issues relating to low cost and/or self-help housing in urban India. Its contents are almost entirely based on specific field experience in Madras on various topics, such as the role of slum-leaders in slum upgrading; the specific socio-economic problems arising from slum upgrading and sites and services policies; the position of tenants; the scope for non-governmental organizations to become involved in a meaningful way in slum policies; and gentrification in low cost housing projects. The role o( the World Bank in directing urban housing programmes is highlighted as well.

5. Fundamentalism Revivalists and Violence in South Asia, JAMES WARNER BJORKMAN (Ed.), 1988, Rs. 175

South Asian politics are exceedingly complicated and the religious factor is particularly complex. The increasingly violent role of religion in the region is a stark reality today. This volume presents for public discussion the painful issue of modem religious violence and communal politics in the major countries of South Asia. The meticulously researched essays in the collection examine, explore and explain aspects of religious fundamentalism, self-righteous revivalists and murderous mayhem among the four major faiths of South Asia.

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