Social Scientist. v 2, no. 22 (May 1974) p. 72.

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class-struggle and revolutionary national struggle and in the practice of scientific experiment . . . The problem of whether theory corresponds to objective reality is not, and cannot be, completely solved in the movement of knowledge from the perceptual to the rational . . . The only way to solve this problem completely is to redirect rational knowledge to social practice, apply theory to practice and see whether it can achieve the objectives one has in mind.2

Therefore it is very essential to evolve a scientific method of defeating the official sociologists in practice. In this respect we must be aware of the importance of material culture studies as well as a sustained campaign to prevent the state and its numerous so-called autonomous agencies like the Indian Council of Social Science Research, and Indian Council of Historical Research from giving grants to only those scholars and institutions who are in line with the official research. Above all, it is important to note that these institutions have a political purpose backed by the state funds and dictated by the class that controls state machinery. Without explicity identifying ourselves with the interests of the toiling masses, not only are radical intellectuals unable to avail of correctives, but are also incapable of advancing the cause of genuine science.


1 G V Pickhanov, The Development of the Marxist View of History, p 179.

2 Mao Tsc Tung, On Practice, July 1937.


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