Social Scientist. v 2, no. 23 (June 1974) p. 44.

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the face of this all embracing crisis which our generation is g^ing through?

This is what Lenin said in a cerrian connection in June 1918.

Human child birth is an act which transforms the woman into an almost lifeless, blood-stained heap of flesh, tortured, tormented and driven frantic by pain. But can the "individual" that sees only this in love and its sequel, in the transformation of the woman into a mother^ be regarded as a human being ? Who would renounce love and procreation for this reason?

Severe travail greatly increases the danger of grave illness or of a fatal issue. But while individuals only may die in the act of child birth, the new society to which the old system gives birth cannot die;

all that may happen is that the birth may be more painful, more prolonged and growth and development slower.

Let the ^Socialist" snivelers croak, let the bourgeoisie rage and fume^ but only people who shut their eyes so^as not to see, and stuff their ears so as not to hear, can fail to notice that all over the world the birth pangs of the old capitalist society, which is pregnant with Socialism, have begun.7

The above was said by Lenia sctee full fifty years ago. How green it is, and how objective and scientific it sounds, even today. Such is the Marxist-Leninist outlook that should guide and sustain our generation and its revolutionary zeal.

(This paper was read at ths Seminar conducted by the Bertrand Russell Society at Hyderabad on 14th May., 1974.)

1 VI Lenin, ^Marxism and revisionism,5* Against Revisionism, iMoscow Publishers, 1966

s Ibid.

8 VI Lenin, "Caricature of Marxism and Imperialist Economism", Against Revisionism,

Moscow Publishers, 1966 * VI Lenin, "Reformism in the Russian Social Democratic Movement/' Collected

"Works, Vol 17, Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow, 1963.

5 VI Lenin, Speech in DePeretice of the Tactics of the Communist International July 1, 1921, Speeches at the Congress of the Communist International, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1972.

6 Regis Debray, Revolution in the Revolution, Penguin Books.

7 VI Lenin/prophetic Words," Collected Works, Vol 27, Foreign Languages Publishing House.

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