Social Scientist. v 3, no. 25 (Aug 1974) p. 67.

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agree that this is a good working hypothesis for historians, sociologists, political economists and the like to base their works on. We wish that they realize the amount of theoretical work that lay behind this brief passage. The learned authors of the "Marxism and India" symposium are welcome to point out the flaws in the arguments contained not only m the above passage as such but in the process of thinking which led to this theoretical-practical conclusion.

Objective Study ?

It is against this background that one regrets immensely that the editor of the journal totally ignores all the books and publications brought out by the C P I (M) and by those academics who have produced books, pamphlets, articles, papers and so on as material for ^further reading.'

We may be pardoned if we point out to them that the present reviewer himself has to his credit such theoretical works as the Mahatma and the Ism, Kerala Yesterday Today and Tommorrow, Economics and Politics of India's Socialist Pattern, The Problems of rational Integration as well as several other books, pamphlets and articles.

Colleagues in the CP I (M), BT Ranadive, M Basavapunniah, P Sundarayya and others have also produced several articles," pamphlets and books. Sundarayya's monumental work on Telengana People's Armed Struggle and Ranadive's Critique of the Five Tear Plan are worth mentioning in this connection.

Is it not remarkable that, when such despatches in the Times of India as "Marxists in a Quandary" and ^CPM^S Predicament" as well as articles by Right Communist publicists like Mohit Sen are suggested for "further reading", works of Ranadive, Basavapunniah, Sundarayya, the present reviewer and others are completely blacked out. One would wish to know whether this is the type of objective, disinterested study in "which Seminar is supposed to be engaged.


1 "The Problem", Seminar 77<9,June 1974, New Delhi, p 10.

2 Ibid.

3 "Further Reading", ibid., p 62.

4 K Damodaran, "The Past^, ibid., p 12.

5 Bipan Chandra, "Total Rectification", ibid., p 25

6 Ashok Mitra, "Middle Class Movement^, ibid., p 43.

7 PC Joshi, 'Towards a Renewal', ibid., p 50.

8 K. Damodaran, op. cit.y p 14.

9 Communist Party of India (Marxist), Programme and Statement a/Policy, Calcutta 1971 Sec 86, p 33.

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