Social Scientist. v 23, no. 269-71 (Oct-Dec 1995) p. 142.

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after the First Cmsade (Duggan in Hollier 1989:20). As for the tenn "Europeans" it appears to be first used by the anonymous chronicler of Cordoba in reference to Charles Mart-el's defeat of the Arabs at Tours andPoitiers (732), then "Europe" frequently in reference to Charlemagne (von See 1985:42).

38. One could perform a similar geo-cultural-historical operation for "Eastemization," with Greece as Rome's East in the third-first centuries ("Hellenization"), "Germany" as "France's" East in the sixth-ninth centuries (Germanicization), France as England's East in the eleventh-fourteenth (Nonnanization), India as Central Asia's from the second-tenth (Buddhicization), and so on.

39. Such as one finds even in the otherwise critical thought of someone like Aijaz Ahmed, who expresses belief in "civilizational moorings/' a "common civilizational ethos/' a "very real civilizational unity" of "Indian literature" in the singular (Ahmad 1992:256,264). For a self-confessed indigenism, based on hardly more knowledge of precoloniality than Ahmad's, see Devy 1993.

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