Social Scientist. v 3, no. 26 (Sept 1974) p. 26.

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culture, and turn a backward country into an industrial state within the span of a generation instead of centuries. Only socialist industrialization which takes into consideration all the diversity of historic, social and economic conditions in various countries, can effect the most rational development of the productive forces of each country, large or small, create diversified economies for any one country or on an international scale, and assure the participation of all countries in planned, expanding and mutually advantageous international division of labour.

1 J. Viner, International Trade and Economic Development, Oxford 1953.

2 Ibid., p 44.

3 G M Meier, International Tiade and Development, New York 1963, p 159.

4 A A Manukyan, New Development in Capitllist Agriculture, p 3.

5 J Viner, op. cit., p 47.

G J Viuer, op. cif., pp 44, 54.

7 R FMikesell, United States Economic Policy and International Relations, New York, p 299.

3 Commerce, October 14, 1962.

9 H GJohnson, International Trade and Economic Growth, London, p 72.

10 Business Week, 1972 p 108.

11 G. Haberler, International Trade and Economic Development^ Cairo, p 5.

12 S Dell, Trade Blocs and Common Markets, New York_, p 261.

1 3 A New Trade Policy/or the United Slates, New York, 1962.

1 ^ Ibid.

15 A I Mikoyan, New Trends of Economic Factors, p 7.

1 ° Economic Commission for Latin America, Rio de Janeiro, p 47.

17 H B Chenery, Comparative Advantages and Development Policy, p 24.

1 8 R F Gemrnill, Prebisch on Commercial Policy for Less Developed Count lies, p 199.

1 J PI Hesse, Industrialization of Underdeveloped Countries, p 61.

20 G M Meier, op. cit., p 152.

21 Ibid., p 185.

22 M de Lattre, Industrialization : A Necessity for Afnca, p 20.

23 Quoted from V I Lenin, Collected Works, Vol 22, p 281.

2 ^ Ibid., p 280.

25 Ibid., p 280-281.

20 W Letwin, What Is Wrong, with Planning: The Case of India, p 118.

27 B A Balasa, Theory of Economic Integration, Homewood, Illinois, p 31.

28 J N Behrman, Economic Effects of Private Direct Investment, p 152.

2iJ Ibid.,p 201.

30 The American Economic Review, No 1 Vol LI p 23-

3 l R Nurkse, Pattern of Trade and Development, Stockholm, pp 36-41.

3" W A Lewis, Employment Policy in an Undei developed Area, pp 47-48.

33 GATT, Geneva 1958, p 80.

8 ^ L Erhard, Deiitsche Wirtschftspolltik, 1962, p 38.

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