Social Scientist. v 24, no. 272-74 (Jan-Mar 1996) p. 127.

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22. See L£szlo Tuto-Tama's Krausz, 'Lenin a szocializmusba valo politikai a'tmenet idoszakarol1 (Lenin on the Political Transition into Socialism), T'drsadalmi Szemle, Vol. 7-8,1984, pp. 109-16. Kornai does not mention the work of Liszlo Szamuely in relation to this topic, although he does mention the author. La*szlo Szamuely, Az elso szocialista gazdasagi mechanizmusok (The First Socialist Economic Mechanisms), Budapest, 1971, and Marcel Liebman, Leninism Under Lenin, Jonathan Cape, London, 1975.

23. See one of the freshest and thorough explanations of this problem: G. Arrighi, 'A fejlodes illuzioja. A fe*lperife*ria koncepcioj£nak megujita'sa' (The Illusion of Development. The Revitalisation of the Semi-Periphery Concept), Eszmelet, Vol. 15-16, pp. 145-80.

24. Compare to for example R. Daniels, Red October: The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, New York, 1967, and A. Smith, Red Petrograd—Revolution in the Factories 1917-1918, Cambridge Universityspress, 1985, etc.

25. See Kornai J*nos, op. cit, pp. 58-61.

26. See Immanuel Wallerstein, The Politics of the World Economy, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1984, p. 93.

27. Kornai J^noi, op. cit., p. 109. [8. Oh this see the study of Judith Shapiro, Trotsky o NEP-e1, paper presented at

the International Sovietology Conference in Moscow, 1989, manuscript. 9. This fact—or so we think—is so evident that Istva"n Hermann stresses it in 1970

after Gyorgy Luk£cs in his work entitled A szocialista kultura problemdi

(Problems of Socialist Culture). D. Kornai Jinos, op, cit., p, 65.

31. This stretching of the truth is the precondition of Kornai's basic thesis: Stalinism is equivalent to socialism. The circumstance that 'classic socialism' based on Marx and Lenin cannot be portrayed according to the basics of the 'socialist mode of production', only those of 'state socialism' or 'political socialism* (for this see quoted works and Gy. A. Szabo, 'Marx 6s az allamszocializmus' (Marx and State Socialism), Eszmflet, Vol. 4., pp. 103-14, "\ and P. Szigeti, 'A szoci^ldemokr^ci^rol' (On Social Democracy), Eszmekt, Vol. 20-21, does not keep Kornai from lifting the Stalinist era into the 'classic sphere'.

32. Kornai J4nos, op. cit., p. 107.

33. See the work of Ja"nos Kis written together with Gyorgy Bence, not at all mentioned by Kornai, and originally published under the name of Rakovsky in Hungarian in Paris: "A szovjet tipusu ta*rsadalom marxista szemmel' (Soviet Society in the Eyes of a Marxist), Magyar Fuzetek Konyvei 6., Paris, 1983.

34. Kornai, pp. 120-21.

35. Kornai, pp. 583-84.

36. To evaluate the reforms of the Khrushchev and Gorbachev eras as merely structures of the mind (disregarding concrete historical alternatives) is a scientifically highly questionable venture.

37. Gyofgy Luka*cs, Democratisierung Heute und Morgen, Magveto, Budapest, 1988.

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