Social Scientist. v 26, no. 302-303 (July-August 1998) p. 69.

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as a constitutive human way of life. Otherwise Marxist theory, according to EPT, would continue to make the 'theoricist' error of assuming that "there is some socialist mode of production within which some socialist relations of production are given, which will afford a categorical guarantee that some immanent socialist society will unfold itself, out of the womb of the mode of production itself."12


1. E.P. Thompson, Poverty of Theory, Merlin Press, London, 1978, p.60.

2. Ibid., p.60.

3. E.M. Wood, 'Separation of the Economic and the Political in Capitalism', New Left Review, 127, 1981, p.68.

4. Refer to Melvin Rader, Marx' s Interpretation of History, New York, OUP, 1979, for a detailed discussion of this point.

5. For an important but an alternative interpretation of Marx in terms of a distinction between 'material as economic* and 'social' as non-economic, refer to G.A. Cohen, Karl Marx* s Theory of History, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1978.

6. E.P. Thompson, 'Folklore, Anthropology, and Social History*, in Indian Historical Review, Vol-HI, No.2, Jan. 1988, p.262.

7. E.M. Wood, Tailing Through the 'Cracks: E.P. Thompson and the Debate on Base and Superstructure in (ed.) H. Kaye and K. Maccle Land, 'E.P. Thompson Critical Perspectives', Policy Press, Cambridge, 1990, p. 139.

8. E.M. Wood, 1981, Op. Cit., p.79.

9. E.P. Thompson, 1978, Op. Cit., pp.160-161.

10. Ibid., p. 170.

11. Perry Anderson, Arguments within English Marxism, Verso, London, 1981, p.34.

12. E.P. Thompson, 1978, Op. Cit., p.161.

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