Social Scientist. v 28, no. 326-327 (July-Aug 2000) p. 79.

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technology potential, qualified workers, engineers, scientists, one of the highest levels of education.

Second, the guarantee for implementation of its own way of development should be provided by strengthening the role of the state in the economy. The pragmatic utilization of domestic as well as world experience should be involved.

Third, Russia has large internal sources of financing development, corresponding to its economic potential, it does not need shackling foreign and domestic loans.

Russia stands now at the cross-roads. The way it takes will determine the future of the country. The majority of people increasingly realize that Western monetarist model imposed upon the country is unacceptable for Russia, and 'democratic' slogan "more market - lesser state" has completely discredited itself. Russia has its own nationally determined way to the XXI century, which could lead it to the forefront of world development.

To go to the future by alien road inevitably means to doom yourself to lagging behind, basically, Russia is a country-continent with the economy which is bound to have certain intrinsic features, such as:

- many-sectoral structure (diversity of ownership and management patterns);

- high mobilizing capacity (capacity for quick mobilizing of resources, necessary because of very unfavourable climatic environment and permanent external danger);

- statehood (the state sector historically always played large, if not determining, role in the economy);

- monopolism (necessitated by the climatic conditions, by largeness of the territory and by the need to develop hardly accessible territories);

- communal organization of labour;

- social orientation (determined by centuries-long retaining in the consciousness of population such values as social justice, equality and collectivism).

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