Social Scientist. v 29, no. 342-343 (Nov-Dec 2001) p. 40.

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Key works on social capital by James Coleman and Robert Putnam can be found on the World Bank's website on Social Capital (accessible at: poverty/scapital ). Putnam's books are:

Making Democracy Work: civic traditions in modern Italy (Pnnceton University Press, 1993); and Bowling Alone: the decline and revival of community in America (Simon 6c Schuster, 2000). An enlightening discussion ofBourdieu's argument about social capital is to be found in Ben Fine's outstanding critical study on Social Capital and Social Theory (Routledge, 2000). Theda Skocpol's critical commentary on Putnam's American adventures is in an article entitled 'Unravelling from above' which was in The American Prospect in 1996. The major (and utterly damning, though very courteously expressed) critique of Making Democracy Work is by Sidney Tarrow ( American Political Science Review. 90(2) 1996, pps 389-97). The study by James Manor referred to is: The Political Economy of Democratic Decentralization (World Bank, 1999). The material that I have drawn from Peter Evans' collaborative research comes from his presentation at the International Conference on Democratic Decentralisation, held in Kerala in May 2000, and entitled 'Ecologies of Local Political Actors and the Struggle for Livability in Third World Cities'. Evans' conclusion to the collection of articles on synergy across the public-private divide that he edited, and which appeared in World Development in July 1996, has of course been justifiably influential. Amongst Tony Bebbington's prolific writings I have referred to an article in The Geographical Journal in 1997 on 'islands of sustainabihty in the rural Andes'; and another on 'Capitals and Capabilities: A framework for Analyzing Peasant Viability, Rural Livelihoods and Poverty', which appeared in World Development in December 1999. Judith Tendler's major work is Good Government in the Tropics (Johns Hopkins UP, 1997). The work referred to by Richard Crook and Alan Svernsson was written in 1999 and is at present available from the authors at the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex. Finally I referred to Thomas Isaac and Richard Franke's book on the Kerala experience: Local Democracy and Development: People's Campaign for Decentralised Planning in Kerala (Delhi: LeftWord Books, 2000).

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