Social Scientist. v 3, no. 34 (May 1975) p. 68.

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international relations within the world of contemporary capitalism. Sti* mulating the consolidation of economic ties and the acceleration of the pro* cess of intergration among capitalist countries and promoting the growth of their economic potential* the internationriizationrf capital simultaneously exacerbates the struggle of national financial oligarchic groups and monopoly associations controlled by them for the redivision of markets and new spheres of domination. This rivalry assumes diverse forms. On a global scale it is revealed in the clash of interests of "national imperialism" and regional imperialist groups, in contradictions between state-monopoly regulation of production within national borders on the one hand, and the internationally organized production of transnational monopolies on the other. The concrete forms and methods of the inter-imperialist struggle may change, and they do change constantly, depending on many factors, but its substance, the class content which engenders contradictions and conflicts of an economic, political and national character, remains unchanged.


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