Social Scientist. v 3, no. 36 (July 1975) p. Back material.

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Who are these men? 4

What are they up to?

These are the men from KSEDC.

Men with just one goal: to bring about .

a glorious revolution in QtodO'onTc^ '

Their triumphs

• On the day of the inauguration. they signed an agreement to manufacture 5.000 solid-state TV sets annually for ECIL.

• Five months and fifteen days later. on February 15. 1974, they handed over the first TV set. And had developed: a closed circuit TV system, electronic cash regisiei pocket and desk calculators^ high power static inverters—aU within this short time.

• Set up a Central Marketing Organisation to market not only their own products, but also those of associate and outside companies —provided these match technical specifications and quality standards laid down by the Corporation

• And were ready to go into production with Thyristorised DC drives, umnterruptable power supply systems, static relays fo» power system applications. DC magnetisers. cine projectors speaker. and custom-built piprTromr systems

Thir futuf pf^Qfinrun^

ThTs Includes tNe manufacture of:

• 27 million Electrode and MoTiolNNc Capacitors in collaboration with Sprague Etectfomag of Betghjm.

• 20 million Cerarotc Capacitors m collaboration with the Natfonal Research Development Corporation.

* Piezo-electric Crystals, developed with their own know-how, by July 1975.

Their objectives

* To accelerate the growth of the electronics industry by designing and manufacturing appHcation-

intensrve, ^&fr6n?c equipment and systems.

• To offer technical, financial and marketing support to enterprising entrepreneurs, who wiH contribuf further to the overall growth of the electronics industry.

Their platform

The rapid progress, made by KSEOt^ is a d?rect result of its policy of appointing technical persons in key positions. Right from the policy-making to the shop-floor levels. And it is this far-sighted poficy (hat will help them achieve their objfectives.

Kerala State Electronics Development Corporation Limited— spearheading the revolution in electronics


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