Social Scientist. v 4, no. 37 (Aug 1975) p. 4.

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current subjects. The largest number of contributions have come from young scholars more of whom are realizing the need for analyzing the problems of our society in a scientific, socialist perspective. Social Scientist will continue to provide full support and cooperation to our young contributors.

As always, we will encourage studies and analyses in social sciences with the aid of scientific tools. Contents of any issue of the Social Scientist will give you an idea of what kind of material is generally suitable for this journal. Research papers, notes and reports on current affairs, communications and book reviews, typed if possible with wide margins and double spacing, may be sent to the editor for consideration. When you write, see that all quotations are checked and complete references supplied. We shall make alterations only to make the presentation clear and brief. No changes or deletions involving matters of substance will be made without consulting the authors.

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