Social Scientist. v 4, no. 40-41 (Nov-Dec 1975) p. 102.

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as Ibid.,? 539.

80 7W.,p88.

8 ( Ibid., p 89.

8 2 Beauvoir herself seems to have been critical, in a later work of her earlier criticism:

"I should take a more materialist position today... I should base the notion of woman as other and the Manichean argument it entails not on an idealistic and a priori struggle of consciences, but on the facts of supply and demand", Quoted in Juliet Mit-chell, op. cit., p 81.

8 8 Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, German Ideology, International Publishers, New York pl98.

84 Quoted in Juliet Mitchell, op. cit., p 65.

85 Cough, "The Origin of the Family", op. cit., p 51. 80 Quoted in Rosemary Small, op. cit.

87 Cough, "The Origin of the Family", op. cit., p 75.

88 For an elaboration of such a view see Lionel Tiger, "The Possible Biological Origins on Sexual Discrimination^, in Cynthia Fuchs and Epstein Goods(eds), The Other Half Roads to Women's Equality, Prentice Hall Inc.

89 Mariarosa Dalla Costa, "Women and the Subversion of the Community", The Power of Women and the Subversion of the Community, Falling Wall Press, England 1973.

40 Engels, op. cit.,

41 VI Lenin, "Women and Society", The Woman Question, International Publishers, New York 1973, p 56.

42 VI Lenin, On the Emancipation of Women, Progress Publishers, Moscow 1965, p 18.

4 8 Dalla Costa, op. cit., pp 27-28.

44 Engels, op. ctt., p 50.

4 5 The nauseating extent to which the Pathiurita concept was developed in the Hindu epics is reflected in the story of Nalayini, who willingly carried her leprous husband on her shoulders to the house of his mistress.

40 Shulamith Firestone, The Dialectic of Sex, Paladin, 1970. Firestone who believes that nature produced the fundamental inequality, makes the "revolutionary demand" that woman be freed from the "tyranny of reproduction by every means possible and the diffusion of the child rearing role to the society as a whole, men as well as women." p 193.

47 Dalla Costa, op. cit., pp 33-49.

48 Ibid.,? 33.

4 9 Zaretski, op. cit.

»o Ibid.,p9[.

81 Ibid., p 88.

82 Engels, op. cit., p 83.

88 Ibid.,? 83.

84 Dalla Costa, op. cit. Elaborating on the need to fight the family, she says that it is "the support of the worker, but as worker, and for that reason the support of capital. On this family depends the support of the class, the survival of the class but at the woman's expense against the class itself/' p 39.

8 5 Peter Pink, Marxism and the Family, op. cit.

6 6 Cough, "The Origin of the Family^' op. cit., p 76.

87 Renee Blakkan, "197t: Women's Place in Labour," Guardian, Labour Supplement, Fall 1974, New York, provides some revealing facts: "In 1973 the official unemployment rate for women was 6% compared to 4% for men. For black women over 20, the official rate was 8.2%. But the actual jobless rate for women is much higher. Lost in the shuffle of statistics are all those women who would like to work but cannot due to child care and other responsibilities in the home."

6 8 Quoted in Judith Hole and Ellen Lavine, Rebirth of Feminism. Quadrangle Books ANYT Co., 1971.

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