Social Scientist. v 4, no. 43 (Feb 1976) p. 42.

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are young.

Both Community and EFW leaders have these resources—in some< what different combinations. The Community Leaders are at least upper middle class. (Upper-class standing is not easy to specify. While half of these wom^v^ ip<^^®^^^^te^ ^re^s ^sa^^ent among informants about their relative social standing). Whatever the fine distinctions, all these women welrS^I&rjy lifffii^HiStBey lived in their own homes (from prosperous to outright palatial); about half owned summer or vacation homes in addition to the main residence; most travel widely (in Europe, Africa and Asi a).<^ndrt almost-half ^that I observed employed servants in their homes. < ^ J -, u

While a few of these women were independently wealthy, most of their comfort or affluence comes from husbands' positions; through inherited wealth or occupation or both. About half of these husbands are professionals (doctors, lawyers and engineers) ^nd the other h^ilf are, owi^er-mana^er^ of business enterprises, A ^

. T^he relative affluence ,of t^iese w^men is rejected in, their own'work history. "Eight have never worked, eight worked only until no arriage or first

child. Only two have, worked ri^ore or less contmupusly and .two resumed

^J, ' ,.,j Y r . n I 7 ^ , . »i4. > .1 work when their children were grown. Among those who worked, six were

professionals, founwere proprietor-managers, and two worked in clerical

^cities. ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ' i . . . ^

rThis gpQup is mainly comprised of older wopien, of necessity,, since I was searching for women with some substantive recognition in community work, The mc^an ^age was 53.8 and the range was from 40 to 68, Most of these women (14) wece currently ^narriedy four were widowed ^n^l two were divorced^ Most women (18) had grown children; only one womap had a child at home under six. These were women, then, who were free ofpuch child care responsibility and with opportunity for a second career.

The Second Group ' j,

The members of EFW who participated in this study show somb similarities in age grouping-^-though with a wider age range thaaa is found ^mbng the Community Leaders. The average age was 48 and the. range from youngest member (27) to oldest (75) was 58 years. Thi& sample is much more edudafted and inclined to salaried Work—and less wealthy than the Community Leaders. However, women in the EFW sample ar6 like the Community Leaders in adherence to conventional life styles. la the EFW sample, 14 were married, two divorced and one widowed. Most women with children (11) had {grown children; but two women had at least one child under six at home,

These women are all positively motivated toward working careers;

their educational preparation suggests what type of careers they have In mind. Three-fourths ofihe sample (15) hold a post-graduate degree^ ow has some post-graduate training, the remaining four have a BA dc £Sc.

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