Social Scientist. v 4, no. 47 (June 1976) p. 78.

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structure, productive forces and productive relations and so on. The key question is that of correctly identifying the dominant contradiction.

What, then,, is the superiority of the Marxian method as compared to the theories using concepts based on bourgeois individualism? The simplest answer seems to be that the Marxian method does not base itself on any a priori criterion of individual behaviour or rationality. The mode of production is an objective category and changes in a mode of production are associated with the objective contradictions that emerge in the course of functioning of a historically determined structure. These objective contradictions can therefore in no way be reduced to the question of individual behaviour or motivation.


^ Arun BDSC, Marxian and Post-Marxian Political Economy, p 12.

2 Ibid.

» Ibid.,? 16.

• Ibid.,? 79.

8 Morishima, Marx^s Economics, Cambridge 1973

6 Arun Rose, Marxian and Post-Marxian Political Economy, p 79.

7 The section seems completely irrelevant. It is very hard to see the relation between, sav, Sraffa's work and the theory of collective choice. Moreoverjundamentally different m-sthodolo^ies are adopted by the Marxian school and tho'c believing in the-theory of rollective choice.

8 An interdependent commodity-production model is indecomposable if all commodities in the system eater directly or indirectly in the prediction of all commodities. See Mirvian and Post-Marxian Political Economy, p 151.

9 A partially decomposable production structure contains both basic and non-basic commodities. Basics are produced commodities which enter directly or indirectly into the production of all commo titles in the system. Non-basics are commodities which do not enter directly or indirectly into the production of all commodities. Ibid., p 1 54.

•o Ibid.,?? 161-2. ' • Ibid., p 173. li 7W.,p214.

• ct' Ibid., pp 226-7.

• Ibid., p 238.

16 Sen, C)llective Chnce and Social Welfare, Oliver and Boyd, London 1970, p 2ol. The other work on C3llectivc choice referred to is Arrov, Individual Values and Social Choice^ New York 1951.

• Quoted in L Althusser, For Marx, Penguin, 1972, p 2 I0.

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