Social Scientist. v 7, no. 78 (Jan 1979) p. 13.

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dation of this "excess" population is going on, in various forms, in underdeveloped countries: the policies of the Bantustans in South Africa; the policies inspired by Milton Friedman applied by the International Monetary Fund and the IBRD in Latin America and Africa; famines in the Sahelian countries and in Bangladesh, and so on. In all these circumstances it is the proletarianized population of rural origin which is the first to be affected, since they have no institution or organization capable of ensuring their security and protection. This situation is rooted in the mode of ovcrexploi-tation of labour which has been imposed by capitalism since the 50^ on the proletariat of rural origin in the neo-colonized countries. It is therefore necessary to denounce the misery and its corollary, repression, resulting from a policy which strikes all dependent countries and that will in the future assume greater proportions9-

1 C^ Meillasoux, <( Imperialism as a Mode of Reproduction of Cheap Labour Power", Bielefeld, 1972 (unpublished); and Femrnes, Greniers et Capitaux, Maspero, 1975. Related expositions of this phenomenon of overexploitation have been made by several authors, sometimes independently. The term 'domestic5 refers to what can b<°' considered the "domestic mode of production" based on household self-sustaining agriculture.

2 This is what happened recently in India after the big flood of September 1978. See "Camp inmates reluctant to return toj^hangirpuri", Hindustan Times Weekly, 17 September, 1978.

8 N V Hopkins, "From Small Town Crafts to Industrial Organizations: Tailoring in Testour", AAA Meeting, November 1976.

4 J Breman, "Labour Relations in the Formal and Informal Sectors", Journal of Peasant Studies, 3 April, 1977.

6 P Hugon, N Abadie and A Morice, La petite production marchande et I'emploi dans Ie

secteur informal: Ie cas africain, IEDES, Paris, 1977. e Ibid., p 108.

7 Ibid., p 124.

u T D Shopo, "Some Uses and Misuses of Aspects of African ^Tradition' and of Certain Anthropological and Sociological Theories (Rhodesia)", Department of History, University of Rhodesia 1977.

11 According to a report of ILO dated 22 August 1978, in the year 2000 the active world population will be composed of two and a half billion workers. In the 20 years to come it would be necessary to create 1,250,000,000 jobs for 900 millions of new people coming on the world market. 50 millions are already unemployed. 300 millions are underemployed. The "developing" countries ought to take charge of 85 percent of the creation of employment. But the active population of industrialized countries will only grow by 19 millions of people before the year 2000 (against 122 millions between 1950 and 1975). If the drop in mortality continues there, the industrialized countries will no longer have a sufficient number of workers at the beginning of the XXI century, and this may wel 1 compromise economic growth. Z-c Monde, 25 August 1978, p 17.

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