Social Scientist. v 7, no. 83 (June 1979) p. 50.

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process. If dependence on hired labour is the essence of proletarianization, it is difficult to deny its existence. Lenin calls the farmers owning insignificant plots as proletarian, and says they also form part of the ^Reserve army of the Unemployed" of the capitalist system (Cf., Collected Works, Vol 16, pp 435-6).

22 VI Lenin Collected Works, Vol 4, Progress Publishers, Moscow, p 97.

23 The old thesis that subsistence agriculture provides the bulk of marketable surplus has been effectively disproved by recent studies, particularly by Utsa Patnaik, 'Contribution to the output and Marketable surplus of Agricultural Products by Cultivating Groups in India, 1960-61", Economic and Political Weekly, Review of Agriculture, December 1975.

24 Calculated from NSS 26th Round, Report No 215, Table 6 (All-India) p 40

25 Vimal Shah and C H Shah, Resurvey of Matar Taluka, Vora, 1974, pp 263-264 (as quoted by Vyas, op.cit.).

26 Cf., Colin dark and John Boyd Turner, "Family Consumption and Marketable Surplus", Oxford Agrarian Studies, Vol VI, 1977, pp 1-25. (The data base for Indfa is Production and Estimated Market Arrivals of Rice, Wheat, Jowar and Gram from villages into assembling markets in tIndian Agriculture in Brief,9 Govt. of India, May 1973. The figure is adjusted to take into account other agricultural output. Scepp 16-17;.

27 See for example, Amit Bhaduri, "Study of Agricultural Backwardness under semi-feudalism",-Ecowow^ J^oyma/, Vol 83, March 73; Pradhan H Prasad, "Production Relations: Achilles' Heel of Indian Planning", Economic and Political Weekly, May 12, 1973; Ranjit Sau, Indian Economic Growth—Constraints and Prospects, Orient Longman, 1973.

28 This, however, is a weakness of modern capitalists as much as that of feudal lords and dominant farmers. For promoting public relations', such expenditure is even institutionalized.

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