Social Scientist. v 7, no. 84 (July 1979) p. 23.

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10 Ibid., p 15.

11 Robert A Dahl, Pluralistic Democracy in the United States, Chicago, Rand McNally, 1967.

12 Gabriel A Almond and G Bingham Powell Jr., Comparative Politics, A Developmental

Approach, New Delhi, Amermd Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., 1972. 1) Herbert Marcuse, ^Repressive Tolerance", Paul Connerton fed.), Critical Sociology,

Harmondsworth, Penguin Books Ltd., 1978, p 307, 11 Herbert Mcircuse, One-Dimensional Man, p 35' n Ibid., p 38.

16 Ibid.

17 Ibid., p 39.

18 /6?W.,p41.

n Alasdair Maclntyrc, Marcuse, London, Wm. Collins and Co. Ltd., 1970, p 67.

20 DanielBsll, The End of Ideology, Glencoe, 111., The Free Press, 1960.

21 S M Lipset, Political Man, New York, Arnold-Heincomann, 1973.

22 Herbert Marcuse, Eros and Civilization, London, Penguin Press, 1969, p 35.

^ Ibid.,? 36.

2t Herbert Marcuse, Five Lectures, p 40.

^ Ibid., p 140.

^ Ibid., p 144.

27 Herbert Marcuse, An Essay on Liberation, pp 16-17.

28 Ibid., p 10.

2f) Ibid.

10 David K.ettler, "Herbert Marcuse : The Critique of Bourgeois Civilization and Its

Transcendence1', Crespigny and Minogue (eds.), Contemporary Political Philosopher,

London, Methuen & Co., 1976, p 24. 31 Herbert Marcuse, "Liberation from the Affluent Society", David Cooper (ed.), op.

cit., p 188.

•'2 Ibid.

^ Herbert Marcuse, Fiv9 Lectures, p 62.

•4 Ibid. i5 Herbert Marcuse, "Liberation from the Affluent Society" in David Cooper (ed),

op.cit., p 186.

w David Kettler 'Herbert Marcuse", Grespigny and Minogue (eds.), op. cit., p 40. 17 Herbert Marcuse, "Liberation from the Affluent Society", in David Cooper (ed.),

op. cit., p 188. w Ibid.

•^ Seymour M. Lipset and Everett G. Ladd,Jr., ^'Student Politics and After", Th e American Review, Vol. 18, No. 2, Winter 1974, p 32.

40 Alasdair Maclntyre, op. cit., p 88.

41 Ibid., p 92

42 Herbert Marcuse, An Essay on Libe/adon, p 8 1.

43 Ibid., p 84.

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