Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
A Comprehensive Persian-English dictionary, including the Arabic words and phrases to be met with in Persian literature.

   A ادامت idāmat (v.n. 4 of دوم) , Perpetuating.
   A ادانة idānat (v.n. 4 of دين) , Lending, giving credit to a fixed period; buying or selling on credit; compensating.
   ادانوش adānosh , Name of a messenger whose eyes were torn out by ʻAẕrā.
   A ادانى adānī (pl. of adná), Nearer, nearest; the lowest, vilest, most ignoble or contemptible.
   A اداوات adāwāt (pl. of adāt), Instruments, implements, utensils.
   A اداوة idāwat (pl. of adāwá), A ewer or vessel, from which the Muhammadans pour water, for washing the hands, &c.
   A ادب adab (v.n.), Being courteous, polite, well-bred; making a feast; courtesy, politeness, urbanity, good-breeding, respect, reverence; propriety of conduct; discipline, chastisement; learning, morality, sound doctrine; the science of polite learning; — adab dādan, To correct, civilize, teach; to chastise, correct; — adab kardan, To behave modestly, properly, or honestly.
   A ادباٴ udabāʼ (pl. of adīb), Polite, learned, high-bred men.
   A ادبار adbār (pl. of dubr), The hinder or latter parts of anything, of the back, neck, &c.; — idbār (v.n. 4 of دبر), Turning back, going back, committing sodomy; falling off from allegiance, defection, disloyalty; reverse of fortune, ill-luck, adversity; calamity, defeat.
   a ادب آموخته adab-amoḵẖta, ادب آموز adab-āmoz , A master, teacher; a pupil, learner; exalted, illustrious; — adab-āmoz kardan, To exalt to high rank; to render illustrious.
   a ادبانه adabāna , With reverence, with respect; civilly, politely, courteously; wisely, learnedly.
   ادب آوازه adab-āwāzah , Loud, clear-voiced; — adab-awāzah kardan, To exalt to high rank, to render illustrious.
   a ادب پرورده adab-parwarda , An instructor, master, tutor; a student, pupil.
   ادبخانه adab-ḵẖāna , A water-closet; a school.
   a ادبستان adabistān (shortened dabistān), A school; a seat of learning.
   a ادب سنج adab-sanj , A master, tutor; a disciple, pupil.
   a ادب طراز adab-t̤arāz , A master, tutor, teacher.
   a ادب كار adab-kār , An instructor, teacher, tutor; a pupil, student.
   a ادب كده adab-kada , A seat of polite manners; a kingly court.
   ادب گاه adab-gāh , The place of obeisance in the palace of a chief; a seat of refinement; a court.
   a ادبى adabī , Polite, learned; a scholar.
   A ادبير idbīr , by Imālah for idbār, q.v.
   A ادحاض idḥāẓ (v.n. 4 of دحض) , Dismissing a suit; abolishing.
   آدخ ādaḵẖ , Handsome, fine, good; height; the highest degree.
   A ادخار iddiḵẖār (v.n. 8 of ذخر) , Hoarding.
   A ادخال idḵẖāl (v.n. 4 of دخل) , Causing to enter; introducing, inserting, thrusting or putting in; — iddiḵẖāl (v.n. 8 of دخل), Entering.
   آدر ādar , Fire; — ādir, A lancet, a fleam.
   A ادراج idrāj (v n. 4 of درج), Folding (a letter).
   A ادرار idrār (v.n. 4 of درّ) , Agitating, moving, whirling round (a spindle), giving it a rotatory motion so rapid that it appears stationary; causing urine, milk, &c. to flow copiously; involuntary or copious discharge of urine; diabetes; hard rain; liberality, munificence; a scholarship, fellowship; exhibition; bursary; a pension, a stipend; any cloth sufficient for a garment (?).
   A ادرارات idrārāt (pl. of the preceding), Pensions.
   a ادرارى idrārī , A pension; a dishful.
   ادرافيس idrāfīs (from G. ἀφρός), Froth of the sea.
   A ادراك idrāk (v.n. 4 of درك) , Attaining, reaching; arriving at manhood, coming to maturity; comprehension, apprehension, understanding, perception, intelligence, intellect, capacity, genius.
   a ادراكات صادقه idrākāti ṣādiqah , True, just conceptions.
   ادرام adrām , A packing-needle.
   A ادرة adarat, udrat , Rupture, swelled testicle.
   آدرخش ādraḵẖsh , Lightning, thunder; cold.
   ادرشاخ ādarshāḵẖ , A pickle.
   ادرفن adarfan , Itch, scab, ringworm.
   ادرك adark , A swinging cot; swing for children; — adrak (S. ārdraka), Fresh ginger; — idrak, A small plum.
   ادرم ādram , A saddle-cloth (also adram); arms, such as swords, daggers, bows and arrows; a large needle.
   ادرمكش adram-kash , A packing-needle.
   ادرمه adrama , A saddle-cloth of coarse wool.
   ادرنگ ādrang, adrang , Grief, sorrow, distress, ennui; a heavy calamity, ruin, perdition.
   T ادرنه adranah , Adrianople.
   ادره udra , The crest of a helmet.
   A ادريس idrīs , The Arabian name for اخنوخ aḵẖnūḵẖ, Enoch.
   ادريس خانه idrīs-ḵẖāna , Heaven.
   ادس adas , Name of a grain.
   آدش ādish , Fire.
   A ادعاء iddiʻāʼ (v.n. 8 of دعو) , Claiming, demanding as a right; claim, pretension; arrogating; — iddiʻā dāshtan, To have a claim against (m.c.).
   A ادعج adʻaj , Black-eyed (man).