Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
A Comprehensive Persian-English dictionary, including the Arabic words and phrases to be met with in Persian literature.

   A جلباب jilbāb , A decrepit old man; a long veil, a shift, or pelisse worn by the Eastern ladies; — jilbāb shangarf, Red tulips; roses.
   جلبان julbān , Pease.
   A جلبة jalabat , Sounds, clamours, mixed murmurs; — julbat, The cuticle which grows over a wound when healing; leather used for or in camel's saddles; adversity.
   جلبو jalbū , A plant resembling mint.
   جلبوب jalbūb , Ivy.
   جلب‍ﮩ‍نگ jilbahang , Seed of a yellow flower.
   جلبیز jilbez , An informer, make-bate; a halter; picked, chosen (see جلویز).
   A جلة jallat, jillat, jullat , The dung (of camels or sheep); — jillat, Great personages, lords, leaders; — jullat, A date-basket (made of palm leaves), a hamper.
   A جلت jallat , Third person fem of جل, q.v.; — jallat hikmatu-hu, Great is His wisdom, may His wisdom be exalted.
   جلتا jaltā (in Zand), The skin of man or beast.
   جلتاق jaltāq , Wild sorrel.
   جلتکه jalatka , A waistcoat (m c.).
   A جلجل juljul (in P. jaljal, jiljal), Little bells appended to the neck (of a camel); also those which are hung round about the rim of a tambourine; a certain melodious bird; light, airy, cheerful; name of a place.
   A جلجلان juljulān , Coriander-seed; sesame seed; the innermost heart (= سویداء, (q.v.); — juljulāni ḥabashī, Seed of the black poppy; — juljulāni miṣrī, A certain poisonous plant; the Egyptian lotus.
   A جلح jalḥ (v.n.), Cropping (as cattle the leaves of trees); peeling, barking (a tree); — jalaḥ (v.n.), Being bald on the sides of the head; baldness; — jullah, (An ox) without horns, dodded.
   A جلد jald (v.n.), Striking, lashing, whipping; forcing against the will; biting (as a serpent); lying with; onanism; hard, strong (man); penis; quick, active, brisk; hasty, rash, precipitate; fierce; soon, without delay; — jalad, Hard level ground; camels or sheep that neither breed nor give milk; — jild, The skin, hide, leather; binding (of a book); volume, book.
   a جلد باز jald-bāz , Expeditious, fleet, hasty; an active man.
   a جلد بازی jald-bazī , Haste, speed, despatch; activity, agility; precipitation.
   جلد نجلد jald ba-jald , Quickly, speedily.
   a جلد بند jild-band, جلد ساز jild-sāz , A bookbinder.
   a جلد بندی jild-bandī, جلد سازی jild-sāzī , Bookbinding.
   A جلدة jaldat , A whipping.
   a جلد قدم jald-qadam , Swift of foot, fleet.
   a جلدگر jild-gar , A bookbinder.
   a جلد مزاج jald-mizāj , Hasty, precipitate; quick-tempered.
   جلدو jaldū, juldū , A reward; a gift from a great personage.
   a جلدی jaldī , Speed, haste, quickness, swiftness; expedition, despatch; precipitation, rashness, abruptness, impetuosity; — jildī, Referring or belonging to the skin, cutaneous.
   A جلس jils , A companion, comrade, messmate; a guest.
   A جلساء julasāʼ (pl. of jalīs), Companions.
   a جلسا خطیبی jalsā-ḵẖat̤ībī , The sitting down of the khatīb (preacher) between the readings of the first and second ḵẖutbah.
   A جلسام jilsām , A pleurisy.
   A جلسة jalsat, jalsa , A sitting, meeting; society; posture, situation, seat, post, state, bearing; social gathering; committee; — jalsaʼi umarā, Assembly of nobles; senate; House of Lords; — jalsaʼi ḥākim (ʻadālat), The bench; a tribunal.
   a جلسه خطیبی jalsa-ḵẖat̤ībī , = جلسا خطیبی, q.v.
   A جلط jalt̤ (v.n.), Drawing (a sword).
   A جلع jalʻ (v.n.), Pulling off clothes; — jalaʻ (v.n.), Being uncovered (the front teeth); being shameless (a woman).
   جلغوزه jalg̠ẖoza , A nut resembling the pistachio; — jalg̠ẖozaʼi hindī, A kind of wild fruit; seed of onion.
   A جلف jalaf (v.n.), Striking (with a sword); plucking, tearing up, uprooting; — jalaf, jilf, Hard, severe, churlish, mean; a miser; — jilf, Any empty vessel, pot or pan; an animal disembowelled, and skinned; anything empty in the middle.
   جلف jilf , Silly, trifling; fearless (see the preceding).
   a جلفار julfār (for P. gul-par), A village near Marv; (also jullafār) a town in ʻUmān.
   T جلق jalq , Masturbation, onanism; — jalq zadan, To onanise, pollute oneself.
   جلق julq , The thousand and eightieth part of an hour, or ¹/₂₅₉₂₀th part of a night and day.
   جلك jalak , A small melodious bird.
   جلکا julkā , Territory, level ground; a plain.
   جلکاره jalkāra, جلگاره julgāra , Opposite ways or opinions.
   جلکاه julkāh, جلکه julka , Territory, level ground; a plain (also جلگاه julgāh, جلگه julga).
   A جلم jalm (v.n.), Cutting; — jilm, The tallow of sheep.
   جلم jilm , Name of a country in the Panjāb.
   SY جلماثا jalmās̤ā , A cucumber.
   A جلمد jalmad , A huge stone; a stern man.
   A جلنار jullanār, julnār (P. گلنار), Pomegranate-flowers.
   جلنجوجه jalanjūja , Wild mint.