Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
A Comprehensive Persian-English dictionary, including the Arabic words and phrases to be met with in Persian literature.

   خزده ḵẖazda , Sin, crime (probably misreading for خزده q.v.).
   خزر ḵẖazar, خزران ḵẖazrān , Name of a district in Turkistān; name of a province in Gīlān; the inhabitants of the shores of the Caspian.
   خزرك ḵẖazrak , Cowardice.
   خزروان ḵẖazarwān , The Caspian Sea; name of a champion of Afrāsiyāb in his war with Nauzar; also of a demon; — ḵẖazarwāni ḵẖusrau, Name of a warrior of Bahram Chubīn.
   خزره ḵẖazra , The palm of the hand, the sole of the foot (doubtful word).
   A خزعبل ḵẖuzaʻbal , New and strange stories.
   A خزعبيل ḵẖuzaʻbīl , False, vain, trifling thing.
   A خزعبيلة ḵẖuzaʻbīlat , A jest, laughable tale.
   A خزعة ḵẖazʻat , Lameness in one foot; — ḵẖizʻat, A piece of meat; — ḵẖuzaʻat, One who restrains another (from anything good); one who desists from a work.
   A خزف ḵẖazf (v.n.), Swinging the arms in walking; — ḵẖazaf, Earthenware, crockery.
   a خزف ريزه ḵẖazaf-reza , A potsherd.
   a خزفى ḵẖazafī , A potter; a seller of pottery.
   A خزق ḵẖazq (v.n.), Reaching the mark (an arrow); piercing with a spear.
   A خزم ḵẖazm (v.n.), Perforating the bridge of the (camel's) nose, and passing a ring through it; spitting locusts; a redundant word of from one to four letters at the beginning of a verse, not taken account of in scanning; — ḵẖazam, A tree of whose bark ropes are made.
   خزميان ḵẖazmiyān , Beaver's testicles.
   A خزن ḵẖazn (v.n.), Laying up in a storehouse or treasury; keeping a secret; — ḵẖazan (v.n.), Being rotten (meat).
   A خزنة ḵẖazanat (pl. of ḵẖāzin), Treasurers.
   خزند ḵẖazand , A herb used in washing (see خزند).
   خزنده ḵẖazinda , Creeping; a reptile; reptiles.
   A خزو ḵẖazw (v.n.), Subduing, reducing to order or discipline (men), breaking or exercising (horses), rendering obedient.
   خزوك ḵẖazūk , A beetle.
   خزوكك ḵẖazūkak , (in the dialect of Shīrāz) A kind of manna.
   خزه ḵẖaza , Rudder of a ship; a paddle, oar.
   خزهره ḵẖazahra (for ḵẖar-zahra), Assesʼ bane (an herb).
   A خزى ḵẖizy (v.n.), Being base, abject, afflicted, disgraced; ignominy, shameful notoriety.
   خزيدن ḵẖazīdan , To creep; to slide along the ground on one's hams (like a child).
   خزيده ḵẖazīda , Concealing, lying hid.
   خزير ḵẖazīr , Ashes beneath which are latent sparks; fire.
   A خزيز ḵẖazīz , Brambles set as wall-fences.
   a خزينه ḵẖazīna , A treasury; magazine; tribute.
   a خزينه چى ḵẖazīna-chī, خزينه دار ḵẖazīna-dār , Treasurer; robe-keeper.
   خژند ḵẖazhand, خژنده ḵẖazhanda , = خرند q.v.
   خس ḵẖas (S. khasa), An inhabitant of a mountainous country; a rustic, mountaineer; name of a tribe of mountaineers dwelling between India and Tartary; (for A. ḵẖass) a miser; mean; vile, bad; a weed; rubbish of sticks or thorns; a chip of wood; (perhaps S. kāsa) the root of a sweet-scented grass; a kind of large white crane; an animalcule that runs on the surface of water; [ḵẖas ba dahan (ba-dandān, dar dahan) giriftan, ḵẖas ba-dahan guẕāshtan, To be weak; to sue for protection; — ḵẖas u ḵẖāshāk, Rubbish, sticks and straws; — ḵẖas u ḵẖāshāk shudan, To clean by removing rubbish; — ḵẖas kam u jahān pāk, A proverbial saying, to indicate that it makes no difference whether a thing is in a certain place or not;] — ḵẖus, A mother-in-law.
   A خس ḵẖass (v.n.), Rendering mean and vile; lettuce; — ḵẖassu ʼl-ḥimār, Melilot; bugloss.
   A خساٴ ḵẖasʼ (v.n. of خساٴ) , Driving away (a dog); being driven away (a dog); being dim and weak (the sight).
   خسار ḵẖasār , Ice (see هسر,خسر and هسير).
   A خسار ḵẖasār, خسارة ḵẖasārat (v.n. of خسر) , Sustaining a loss; perishing; straying from the road; fraud, perfidy; sordidness, baseness; — ḵẖasārat u g̠ẖārat kardan, To ravage and plunder.
   خساره ḵẖisāra , The clearing of a garden or vineyard of weeds; — ḵẖisāra, ḵẖasāra, The act of lopping superfluous branches.
   A خساسة ḵẖasāsat (v.n. of خسّ) , Being close-fisted, covetous, mean, ignoble, low-born.
   خسان ḵẖassān, ḵẖasān (pl. of ḵẖass, ḵẖas), Mean persons.
   خساندن ḵẖasāndan , To grind, to triturate.
   خسانده ḵẖisānda , An infusion (in medicine).
   خسانيدن ḵẖasānīdan , To wound with the teeth.
   خسائيدن ḵẖasāʼīdan , To chew; to eat.
   خسپ ḵẖusp (imp. of ḵẖuspīdan), (in comp.) sleeping, as bisyār-ḵẖusp, One who sleeps much (see بسيار خسپ, p. 188, the transliteration of which should be corrected accordingly).
   خسپانيدن ḵẖaspānīdan , To cause to kick or trample upon; to cause to extinguish; — ḵẖuspānīdan, To cause to lie down; to cause to rest or sleep.