Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
A Comprehensive Persian-English dictionary, including the Arabic words and phrases to be met with in Persian literature.

   راهواری rāhwārī , An ambling pace; swift walk.
   راهوان rāhwān , Guard of the road, watch over enemies or thieves; a toll-gatherer.
   راه ور rāhwar , An easy, ambling nag.
   راه روی rāh-rawī , An ambling pace; swift walk.
   A راهون rāhūn , Name of a mountain in Ceylon, on which Adam is said to have fallen.
   راهوی rāhuwī, rāhawī , Name of a note in music.
   راه‍ﮩ‍ا rāhhā (pl. of rāh), Roads, ways.
   راهی rāhī , A thin biscuit; a traveller; — rāhī shudan, To go, to travel.
   A رائی raʼy , in P. rāy (v.n.), Seeing; thinking, judging; knowledge, wisdom; opinion, belief, view, counsel; good pleasure; — rāyi s̤āqib, Prudent advice; — rāy dādan, To give an opinion; — rāy zadan, To propose, form a plan, consult; — rāy kardan, To deliberate, to determine; — rāy yak shudan, To be of one mind; to conspire.
   رای rāy , A road, path; a rājā or Hindu prince. (See also the preceding article).
   A رايات rāyāt (pl. of rāyat), Banners.
   رايان rāyān (pl. of rāy), Kings.
   راياندن rāyāndan , To lead out, or forth.
   A رائب rāʼib , Doubting.
   a رای بين rāy-bīn , Intelligent.
   A راية rāyat , A standard, flag; a short spear (construed with the verbs afrāḵẖtan, afrāshtan, angeḵẖtan, jumbīdan, zadan, kashīdan); — rāyati baiẓāʼ, The white flag (of success); — rāyati farīdūn (kāwiyān), The standard of Farīdūn.
   A رائج rāʼij , Vendible; current.
   رای چنپا rāy-champā , Name of a certain fragrant flower found only in India.
   A رائحة rāʼihat (v.n. of روح) , Odour, fragrance; anything; a trifle; — ḵẖūb-rāʼiḥat, Of a pleasant smell.
   A رائد rāʼid , One who goes or is sent a foraging; the handle of a hand-mill.
   A رائدة rāʼidat , A woman who gads to and fro amongst her neighbours.
   رای رايان rāy-rāyān , The first officer of the Dīwān who has charge of the crown lands.
   a رای زن rāy-zan , A person whom one consults.
   A رائس rāʼis , A governor.
   A رائش rāʼish , One who fits wings to an arrow; a broker employed to conciliate the favour of a judge by presents.
   A رائض rāʼiẓ , A breaker of horses.
   A رائع rāʼiʻ , Redundant, increasing; happening to wish; agreeable, engaging; swift (a horse).
   A رائق rāʼiq , Fasting; taken upon an empty stomach; pure, genuine; beautiful, lovely; wonderful.
   رايکا rāyikā , Beloved, wished-for, desired.
   رايگان rāygān , Anything picked up on the road; gratis, gratuitous, without labour or purchase; in vain; — rāygān-rafta, Shed with impunity (blood).
   a رای مسدد rāy-musaddad , Of sound judgment.
   رايه rāya , An ulcer on the heads of children.
   A رب rabb (v.n.), Being lord; educating, bringing up; perfecting, completing; collecting; increasing; resting in one place; lord; God; an elder brother; [rabbu ʼn-nawʻ, Specific deity, lord of the species; — rabbi ʻizzat, Lord of glory;] — rubb, Syrup, inspissated juice; rob; [rubbu ʼs-sūs, Extract of liquorice; — rubbi anār, Extract of pomegranate juice; — rubbi rīwand, Gamboge;] — rubba, ruba, rub, A few, some; many; sometimes; perhaps.
   A ربا ribaʼ , Profit on goods; usury.
   ربا rubā (in comp. from rubūdan), Robbing, stealing, carrying off by violence; attracting.
   ربا rubbā (in Zand and Pāzand), Great.
   A رباب rabāb , A white cloud; a rebeck; name of a beautiful woman; also of a place near Mecca, and of a mountain near Medinah; — ribāb, A covenant; tithes, tenths; five Arabian tribes confederate together.
   رباب rubāb, ربابه rubāba , A rebeck, a four-stringed instrument in the form of a short-necked guitar, but having a surface of parchment instead of wood.
   a ربابی rabābī , A performer on the rebeck.
   ربات ribāt (for ribāt̤), An inn.
   A رباح rabāḥ , Gain, profit; name of a certain cup-bearer; also of a fortress in Spain; a kind of cat, the civet-cat; — rubbāḥ, A kid; a camel's colt.
   ربا خواره ribā-ḵẖẉāra, ربا خور ribā-ḵẖẉur , A usurer.
   A رباط ribāt̤ (v.n. 3 of ربط) , Equipping a horse for a holy war; a troop of horse (five or more) armed for war; taking up a station on the confines of an enemy's country; a frontier-station; an inn; a monastery; a rope, cord, thong; a ligament (in med.).
   A رباع rubāʻ , In fours.
   A رباعی rabāʻī , An animal that has shed his tooth called rabāʻiyat (see رباعية); — rubāʻī, A four-letter word; a verse of four hemistichs, a tetrastich; — rubāʻīyi tarāna, A quatrain of which all four lines are rhyming.
   A رباعيات rubāʻiyāt , Tetrastichs.
   A رباعية rabāʻiyat (pl. rabāʻiyāt), A tooth growing between the front teeth and the canine tooth (they are four).
   a ربانی rabbānī , Divine, godly; a doctor of divinity, a rabbi; — rubbānī, The master of a ship.
   ربانيدن rubānīdan , To cause to rob.