Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
A Comprehensive Persian-English dictionary, including the Arabic words and phrases to be met with in Persian literature.

   A شخ shaḵẖḵẖ (v.n.), Snoring in sleep; urine, stale.
   سخا shaḵẖā , The sinking of a needle or thorn into the flesh; scratching; a tearing with the nails.
   A شخاب shiḵẖāb , Milk whilst being drawn, new milk.
   A شخاخ shaḵẖḵẖāḵẖ , One who makes water frequently or abundantly.
   شخادان shaḵẖādān , Scratching, wounding with the nails.
   شخار shaḵẖār , Ashes of which soap or lye for washing is made; a lixivium used by fullers or dyers; sal ammoniac, vitriol, copperas; a brick; a spot, mole; the lungs; orage.
   شخال shaḵẖāl , A tearing with the nails.
   شخالیدن shaḵẖālīdan , To tear with the nails; to prick.
   شخانه shaḵẖāna , A lixivium for dyeing, as in شخار above; — shuḵẖāna, A meteor.
   شخانیدن shaḵẖānīdan , To cause to stare; — shuḵẖānīdan, To cause one to tear with the nails; to cause to leap.
   شخای shaḵẖāy (in comp.), Scratching, tearing.
   شخاییدن shaḵẖāyīdan , To scratch, to wound with the nails; to be pricked.
   شخاییده shaḵẖāyīda , Wounded with the nails; scratched; pricked.
   A شخب shaḵẖb (v.n.), Milking; blood; — shuḵẖb, The quantity of milk yielded by one emulsion; — shaḵẖab, Name of a fortress.
   شخت shaḵẖt , Litharge.
   A شخر shaḵẖt (v.n.), Being thin, slender, lean (man), but not emaciated; — shaḵẖt, shaḵẖat, Thin, slender.
   A شخز shaḵẖr (v.n.), Braying, snivelling, neighing, grunting, making a noise through the nose or throat.
   A شخرور shaḵẖz (v.n.), Disquieting, throwing into troubles; undergoing hardships; setting people at variance, causing them to quarrel, &c.
   شخوروز shaḵẖrūr , A black mulberry; ashes used by bleachers.
   شخس shaḵẖrūz , A black mulberry.
   A شخس shaḵẖs (v.n.), Undergoing difficulty and trouble; agitation, commotion; discord, contrariety.
   شخسار shaḵẖsār , Hard ground at the foot of a mountain; a place abounding in trees.
   شخش shaḵẖsh , A slip, trip; anything old and worn out; imp. of shaḵẖshīdan; — shaḵẖish, A slip, slide, trip; — shuḵẖash, Name of a small, but melodious bird.
   شخشار shaḵẖshār , Name of a bird whitish about the head.
   شخشانه shaḵẖshāna , = شاخشانه q.v.
   شخشانیدن shaḵẖshānīdan , To cause to stumble.
   شخشخ shaḵẖshaḵẖ , Hard ground; summit of a mountain; a fuller's beetle.
   شخشیدن shaḵẖshīdan , To hurt the foot against a stone; to trip, stumble, fall; to be promoted.
   A شخص shaḵẖṣ (v.n.), Being bulky and corpulent; being embodied; a person, body, individual; any object appearing black in the distance; — shaḵẖṣi qābiẓ, The person in possession; — shaḵẖṣi nā-dār, An insolvent person; — shaḵẖṣi wāḥid, A single or unassisted person; an individual.
   a شخصی shaḵẖṣe , A certain one, somebody; — shaḵẖṣī, Personal.
   A شخصیة shaḵẖṣīyat , Individuality, personality, identity; nobility; rank; humanity.
   شخکاسه shaḵẖkāsa , Hoar-frost; hail.
   شخل shaḵẖl , Sound, noise, complaint; whistling; pecking (as a bird).
   شخلی shaḵẖlī , A thorn, thorny plant.
   شخلیدن shaḵẖlīdan , To whistle; to inspire, breathe; to faint, wither, flag.
   شخم shuḵẖm , Land ploughed and ready for sowing; — shuḵẖm zadan (kardan), To plough, to till the ground.
   A شخم shaḵẖam (v.n.), Stinking, being spoiled (meat).
   شخن shaḵẖan , A tearing, wounding; afflicted.
   شخنشار shaḵẖanshār , Name of a water-bird of a dark colour, with a white head.
   شخنود shaḵẖnūd , = the following, of which it is probably a misreading.
   شخود shaḵẖūd , Wounded with the nails; a scratch made by the nails.
   شخودن shaḵẖūdan , To vex; to scratch with the nails; to scratch the face with the nails; to be scratched; to spring upon, to assail; to assemble, be collected; to be narrow, to be in difficulty.
   شخوده shaḵẖūda , Scratched, wounded by the nails or teeth.
   شخودیدن shaḵẖūdīdan , = شخودن q.v.
   A شخوص shuḵẖūs (v.n. of شخص) , Exalting, raising oneself; lifting the eyes; appearing, becoming visible; remaining wide open (the eyes); travelling from country to country; being open and swelling (a wound); passing over the mark (an arrow); ascending (a star); being pronounced from the upper part of the mouth; being restless.
   شخول shaḵẖūl, shiḵẖūl , A whistling noise made to induce a horse to drink; a cry for help, roar, lamentation; feebleness, languor, extenuation of body.
   شخولانیدن shaḵẖūlānīdan (caus. of the following), To make cry out, &c.
   شخولیدن shaḵẖūlīdan, shiḵẖūlīdan , To cry out, scold, groan, make a noise; to thunder; to neigh; to whistle; to understand imperfectly, to take in a wrong light; to scratch; to pine away, grow pale, flag, wither.
   شخولیده shaḵẖūlīda , Languid, dried, withered.
   A شخوم shuḵẖūm (v.n. of شخم) , Becoming rotten, putrid (food, &c.).