Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
A Comprehensive Persian-English dictionary, including the Arabic words and phrases to be met with in Persian literature.

   a شمسی قمری shamsī-qamarī , A perquisite taken by the officers of government, being the difference between the pay for a lunar and a solar month; a monthly period of three or four days, during which the female attendants in the women's apartments have leave of absence.
   a شمسيه shamsīya , A parasol.
   شمش shumsh , An ingot of gold.
   شمشاد shimshād, shamshād , Any tall and upright tree; box-tree; marjoram; (met.) curly locks; a young beard; the graceful figure of a mistress; — shimshādi shamāʼil-parast, A box-tree shaken by the north wind.
   شمشاد بالا shimshād-bālā , Lofty as a box-tree.
   شمشاد رنگ shimshād-rang , Box-tree like.
   a شمشاد قد shimshād-qad , Lofty as a box-tree.
   شمشار shimshār , Box-sprig; mastich; cypress.
   شمشدر shimashdar , (in Zand) Garlic.
   شمشرا shamsharā , Mouse-ear (a fragrant plant).
   شمشك shimashk , (in Zand and Pāzand) Sesame.
   شمشور shumshūr , Name of a culinary plant (in the dialect of Gīlān).
   شمشير shamsher (said to be derived from sham "claw," or "tail," and sher "a lion") shimshīr, A sword, scimiter, sabre; a blade; the light of the morning or of the sun; [shamshīri āb-dār, A bright or sharp sword; — shamsher āḵẖtan, To brandish the sword; — shamsher az niyām bar-āwardan (kashīdan), To draw the sword; — shamsher afgandan, To strike with the sword; — shamsher bar-āheḵẖtan, To brandish the sword; — shamsheri pahn, A broadsword; — shamsher ḵẖẉābāndan, To strike with the sword; — shamsher ḵẖẉurdan, To be struck with the sword; — shamsher dar bag̠ẖl ḵẖẉābīdan, To sleep with the sword under the arm, i.e. having taken every precaution; — shamsher dar miyān (dar niyām) kardan, To sheathe the sword; — shamsher zadan, To fight or strike with a sword; — shamshere ṣāʻiqa- taʼsīr, A sword penetrating like a thunderbolt; — shamsher ʻalam kardan, To lift up or raise the sword; — shamsher kashīdan, To draw a sabre; — shamsher gird āwardan, To wag the tail (said of a lion); — shamsheri goshtīn, The sword of flesh, i.e. tongue; — shamsher nihādan, To strike with the sword; — shamsher hawā kardan, To draw, raise, or brandish the sword; — dū shamsher dar yak g̠ẖilāf na-kanjad, One scabbard cannot hold two swords (said of anything impossible or incompatible with another);] — shumshīr (probably for شر شمير q.v.), The lesser cardamom (the meaning "a small caravan," given by others, seems to have erroneously arisen by confounding the explanatory word قاقله qāqula, "cardamoms," with قافله qāfila, "caravan").
   شمشير باز shamsher-bāz , A sword-player.
   شمشير بازی shamsher-bāzī , Sword-playing.
   شمشير ب‍ﮩ‍ادر shamsher-bahādur (ironically), A useless, worthless fellow.
   شمشير زن shamsher-zan , Striking with a sword; warlike, a gallant soldier.
   شمشير ساز shamsher-sāz , A sword-cutler.
   شمشير سازی shamsher-sāzī , Sword-making.
   شمشيرگر shamshergar , A sword-cutler.
   A شمط shamt̤ (v.n.), Mixing (two things); — shimt̤, shamat̤, Pot-herbs and spiceries put into victuals; — shamat̤ (v.n.), Having hair black and grey; a mixture of black and white hairs.
   A شمع shamʻ (v.n.), Playing, jesting; — shamaʻ, vulg. shamʻ, Wax; a wax-candle, taper; any candle; a lamp; — shamʻi ilāhī (divine candle), The Qurʼān; the Muhammadan religion; sun and moon; — shamʻi angūrī, Wine; — shamʻi īrān, A burning candle (unsupported by examples); — shamʻ bar-afroḵẖtan (bar-kardan), To light a candle; — shamʻi ḵẖamosh, An extinguished candle; — shamʻ ḵẖamosh kardan, To extinguish a candle; — shamʻi raug̠ẖan, A tallow candle; an oil lamp; — shamʻ zadan (soḵẖtan), To light a candle; — shamʻi zarrīn-lagan, The sun; — shamʻi saḥar, Morning-beam or false dawn; — shamʻi shab-afroz, The night-illuminating candle; — shamʻi ṣabāḥ (ṣubḥī), The sun; — shamʻi t̤irāz, A candle (i.e. beauty) of Tirāz (see طراز); — shamʻi ʻālam-tāb (falak), The sun; — shamʻi ʻasal, Wax; — shamʻi kāfūrī, A white wax candle; — shamʻi kachī, A stearine candle; — shamʻ kushtan (gul kardan), To extinguish (a candle); — shamʻi kushta (gul karda), An extinguished candle; — shamʻ gul shudan, shamʻ murdan, To be extinguished (a candle); — shamʻ gul shuda (murda), A candle that has gone out; — shamʻi muzʻafar (haft charḵẖ), The sun; — shamʻ nishastan, To go out (a candle); — shamʻi yahūdī-wash, Red wine.
   a شمع بالا shamʻ-bālā , Erect as a candle.
   a شمعدان shamʻdān , Candlestick, chandelier.
   a شمع رو shamʻ-rū (رخ ruḵẖ) , Having a countenance resplendent as the light of a candle.
   a شمع ساز shamʻ-sāz , Candlemaker, chandler.
   a شمعستان shamʻistān , A place abounding with lighted candles.
   a شمع قد shamʻ-qad , Of a stature straight as a candle.
   a شمعگيران shamʻ-gīrān , The lighters and extinguishers of the candles, &c. in the houses of the great.
   A شمعون shamʻūn , Simon; — shamʻūnuʼṣ ṣafā, Simon Peter, Cephas.
   a شمعی shamʻī , Waxen; of, belonging to, a candle or taper; a dealer in wax; blackish green.
   a شمعی پيرهن shamʻī-pīrahan , A kind of yellow wrapper.