Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
Revised and Enlarged Edition of Prin. V. S. Apte's  The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary.
Search for headword: कलिन्दः
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   1) कलिन्दः kalindaḥ (p. 547)

कलिन्दः kalindaḥ 1 N. of the mountain on which the Yamunā rises. -2 The sun. -3 The Bibhītaka plant. -Comp. -कन्या, -जा, -तनया, -नन्दिनी, -सुता epithet of the river Yamunā; कलिन्दकन्या मथुरां गतापि R.6.48; कलिन्दजानीर Bv.2.120, Gīt.3. -गिरिः the Kalinda mountain. ˚जा, ˚तनया, ˚नन्दिनी epithets of the river Yamunā; Bv.4.3,4.