Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
Revised and Enlarged Edition of Prin. V. S. Apte's  The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary.
   बोधिः bodhiḥ [बुध्-इन्] 1 Perfect wisdom or enlightenment; इत्यभिहितो बोधौ जिनः पातु वः Nāg.1.1. स रतिमुपसिषेवे बोधि- मापन्न यावत् Bu. Ch.2.56. -2 The enlightened intellect of a Buddha. -3 The sacred fig-tree. -4 A cock. -5 An epithet of Buddha. -Comp. -अङ्गम् a requisite for attaining perfect knowledge. -तरुः, -द्रुमः, -वृक्षः the sacred fig-tree, -दः an arhat (of the Jainas). -मण्डलम् N. of the place where Gautama Buddha attained to perfect wisdom. -सत्त्वः 1 a Buddhist saint, one who is on the way to the attainment of perfect knowledge and has only a certain number of births to undergo before attaining to the state of a Supreme Buddha and complete annihilation (this position could be attained by a long series of pious and virtuous deeds); एवंविधैर्विलसितैरतिबोधिसत्त्वैः Māl.10.21; उद्योतयन्नुत्त- मबोधिसत्त्वः Bu. Ch.1.16. -2 N. of the principal Buddha of the present era.
   बोधित bodhita p. p. [बुध्-णिच् क्त] 1 Made known, informed, apprised. -2 Reminded. -3 Advised, instructed.
   बोधिन् bodhin a. [बुध्-णिनि] 1 Knowing, familiar with. -2 Acquainting, informing, making known. -3 Teaching, explaining. -4 Arousing, awakening.
   बोध्य bodhym, बोद्धव्य boddhavya a. To be known or understood; उत्था- योत्थाय बोद्धव्यं महद्भयमुपस्थितम् H. -2 Intelligible, perceivable. -3 To be informed, instructed &c.
   बौद्ध bauddha a. (-द्धी f.) [बुद्ध-द्धि अण्] 1 Relating to Buddhi or understanding; mental. -2 Relating to Buddha. -द्धः A follower of the religion taught by Buddha. -Comp. -दर्शनम्, -मतम्, -शास्त्रम् Buddhist doctrine.
   बौधः baudhaḥ [बुध्-अण्] 'Buddha's son', an epithet of Purūravas.
   बौधायनः baudhāyanaḥ Patronymic name of an ancient writer.
   ब्रध्नः bradhnaḥ 1 The sun; अथ पुत्रस्य पौत्रेण ब्रध्नस्याप्नोति विष्टपम् Ms.9.137;4.231. -2 The root of a tree. -3 A day. -4 The arka plant. -5 Lead (m. ?). -6 A horse. -7 An epithet of Śiva or Brahmā. -8 The point of an arrow. -9 N. of a disease; अभ्यभिष्यन्दिगुर्वामसेवनान्निचयं गतः । करोति ग्रन्थिवच्छोथं दोषो वङ्क्षणसन्धिषु । ज्वरशूलाङ्गसादाद्यं तं ब्रध्नमिति निर्दिशेत् । Mādhavanidānam. -Comp. -चक्रम् the zodiac. -बिम्बम्, -मण्डलम् the disc of the sun.