Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
Revised and Enlarged Edition of Prin. V. S. Apte's  The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary.
   शिव śiva a. [श्यति पापं शो-वन् पृषो˚] 1 Auspicious, propitious, lucky; इयं शिवाया नियतेरिवायतिः Ki.4.21;1.38; R.11.33. -2 In good health or condition, happy, prosperous, fortunate; तीर्थेन मूर्ध्न्यधिकृतेन शिवः शिवोऽभूत् Bhāg.3.28.22; शिवानि वस्तीर्थजलानि कच्चित् R.5.8. (= अनुपप्लवानि, 'undisturbed'); शिवास्ते पन्थानः सन्तु 'a happy journey to you', 'God bless (or speed) you on your journey'. -वः 1 N. of the third god of the sacred Hindu Trinity, who is entrusted with the work of destruction, as Brahman and Viṣṇu are with the creation and preservation, of the world; एको देवः केशवो वा शिवो वा Bh.2.115. -2 The male organ of generation, penis. -3 An auspicious planetary conjunction. -4 The Veda; अट्टशूलाः जनपदाः शिवशूलाश्चतुष्पथाः Mb.3.188.42. -5 Final beatitude. -6 A post to which cattle are tied. -7 A god, deity. -8 Quicksilver. -9 Bdellium. -10 The black variety of thorn-apple. -11 Rum, spirit. -12 Buttermilk. -13 A ruby. -14 Time (काल). -वौ (m. dual) Śiva and Pārvatī; कथयति शिवयोः शरीरयोगं विषमपदा पदवी विवर्तनेषु Ki.5.40. -वम् 1 Prosperity, welfare, well-being, happiness; तं धर्मेऽग्निषु पुत्रेषु शिवं पृष्ट्वा Rām.7.33.13; तव वर्त्मनि वर्ततां शिवम् N.2.62; Ratn.1.2; R.1.60. -2 Bliss, auspiciousness. -3 Final beatitude. -4 Water. -5 Sea-salt. -6 Rock-salt. -7 Refined borax. -8 Iron. -9 Myrobalan. -10 Sandal. -Comp. -अक्षम् = रुद्राक्ष q. v. -अपर a. cruel. -अरातिः a heretic (lit. a disbeliever in Śiva). -आत्मकम् rock-salt. -आदेशकः 1 the bearer of auspicious news. -2 a fortune-teller. -आलयः 1 Śiva's abode. -2 the red basil. (-यम्) 1 a temple of Śiva. -2 a cemetery. -इतर a. inauspicious, unlucky; शिवेतरक्षतये K. P.1. -इष्टा Dūrvā grass. -कर (शिवंकर also) a. conferring happiness, auspicious. -कीर्तनः N. of Bhṛiṅgi. -केसरः Mimusops Elengi (बकुल). -गति a. prosperous, happy. -धर्मजः the planet Mars; cf. पुरा दक्षविनाशाय कुपितस्य त्रिशूलिनः । अपतद् भीमवक्त्रस्य स्वेदबिन्दु- र्ललाटजः ॥ शान्तिप्रदानात् सर्वेषां ग्रहाणां प्रथमो भव । अङ्गारक इति ख्यातिं गमिष्यसि धरात्मज ॥ Matsya P. -चतुर्दशी the fourteenth day of the dark half of Māgha; see शिवरात्र. -ज्ञा a female devotee of the Śaiva sect. -ताति a. 1 having an auspicious end, conferring or conducive to happiness, propitious; प्रयत्नः कृत्स्नोऽयं फलतु शिवतातिश्च भवतु Māl.6.7; न्यषेवेतां विशेषेण शिवतातिममुं शिवम् Śiva B.23.56. -2 tender, merciful, not demoniacal; मा पूतनात्वमुपगाः शिवतातिरेधि 9.49. (-तिः) auspiciousness, happiness. -तालः (in music) a kind of measure. -दत्तम् the discus of Viṣṇu (सुदर्शन). -दारु n. the Devadāru tree. -दिश् the north-east. -दूती epithet of Durgā. -द्रुमः the Bilva tree. -द्विष्टा the Ketaka tree. -धातुः 1 quicksilver. -2 milk stone. -पदम् final liberation, emancipation. -पुरम्, -पुरी N. of Vārāṇasī. -पुराण N. of one of the eighteen Purāṇas. -प्रियः 1 a crystal. -2 the Baka tree. -3 the thorn-apple. (-यम्) = रुद्राक्ष q. v. (-या) the goddess Durgā. -बी(वी)जम् quicksilver. -भारतम् the historic poem on the life of Shivājī the great (1630-1680) by his contemporary poet Paramā nanda. -मल्लकः the Arjuna tree. -मार्गः final liberation. -रसः the water of boiled rice (three days old, hence fermented). -राजधानी N. of Benares, -रात्रिः f. the fourteenth day of the dark half of Māgha on which a rigorous fast is observed in honour of Śiva; शैवो वा वैष्णवो वापि यो वा स्यादन्यपूजकः । सर्वं पूजाफलं हन्ति शिवरात्रिबहिर्मुखः ॥ Īśvarasaṁhitā. -लिङ्गम् 1 Śiva worshipped in the form of a Phallus. -2 a temple dedicated to the worship of the Liṅga. -लोकः the world of Śiva. -वल्लभः the mango tree. (-भा) 1 white rose. -2 Pārvatī. -वल्ली Acacia Concinna (Mar. शिकेकाई). -वाहनः a bull. -व्रतिन् one engaged in a vow of standing on one foot. -शेखरः 1 the moon. -2 the thorn-apple. -सायुज्यम् final emancipation (lit. unification with Śiva). -सुन्दरी an epithet of Durgā.
   शिवकः śivakaḥ 1 A post to which cows or cattle in general are tied. -2 A post for cattle to rub against, scratching-post. -3 An image of Śiva.
   शिवा śivā 1 N. of Pārvatī. -2 A jackal (in general); जहासि निद्रामशिवैः शिवारुतैः Ki.1.38; हरेरद्य द्वारे शिव शिव शिवानां कलकलः Bv.1.32; R.7.50;11.61;12.39. -3 A fortunate woman. -4 Final beatitude. -5 The Śamī tree. -6 The yellow myrobalan. -7 Dūrvā grass. -8 A kind of yellow pigment. -9 Turmeric. -Comp. -अरातिः a dog. -प्रियः a goat. -फला the Śamī tree. -रुतम् the howling of a jackal (a bad omen). -विद्या divination by the cries of jackals; Buddh.
   शिवाकुः śivākuḥ [शिव्-आकुः Uṇ.3.79] A sage.
   शिवानी śivānī Pārvatī, wife of Śiva.
   शिवालुः śivāluḥ A jackal.
   शिविः śiviḥ 1 A beast of prey. -2 The birch tree.
   शिविका śivikm, शिविर śivira See शिबिका, शिबिर; शिविरं परिखायुक्तमुच्चैः प्राकारवेष्टितम् Brav. P.
   शिशयिषा śiśayiṣā Desid. from शी) Desire to sleep, sleepiness.
   शिशिर śiśira a. [शश्-किरच् न. Uṇ.1.52] 1 Cool, cold, chill, frigid; कुरु यदुनन्दनचन्दनशिशिरतरेण करेण पयोधरे Gīt.12; R.14.3;16.49. -2 Cooling, removing heat; नवनलिनदलायमानशिशिरतारारुणायतनयनरुचिरः Bhāg.5.5.31. -3 Relating or belonging to शिशिर; एवं तेषां ययौ मासो द्वितीयः शिशिरः सुखम् Rām.7.39.29. -रः, -रम् 1 Dew, hoar-frost; पद्मानां शिशिराद्भयम्; जातां मन्ये शिशिरमथितां पद्मिनीं वान्यरूपाम् Me.85. -2 The cold season (comprising the two months Māgha and Phālguna); कण्ठेषु स्खलितं गतेऽपि शिशिरे पुंस्कोकिलानां रुतम् Ś.6.3; अमृतं शिशिरे वह्निः Pt.1.128. -3 Coldness, frigidity. -Comp. -अंशुः, -करः, -किरणः, -दीधितिः, -रश्मिः the moon; बुध इव शिशिरांशोः V.5.21; शिशिरकिरणकान्तं वासरान्तेऽभिसार्य Śi.11.21; शिशिरदीधितिना रजन्यः Ṛs.3.2. -अत्ययः, -अपगमः 'the close of the cold season', the spring season; स्वहस्तलूनः शिशिरात्ययस्य (पुष्पोच्चयः) Ku.3.61; उपहितं शिशिरापगमश्रिया R.9.31. -उपचारः a refrigerator. -कालः, -समयः the cold season. -घ्नः an epithet of Agni. -मथित a. pinched by cold.
   शिशुः śiśuḥ [शो-कु सन्वद्भावः द्वित्वम् cf. Uṇ.1.20] 1 A child, an infant; शिशुर्वा शिष्या वा U.4.11. -2 The young of any animal (as a calf, puppy, fawn &c.); नष्टाशङ्का हरिणशिशवो मन्दमन्दं चरन्ति Ś.1.15;7.14,18. -3 A boy under eight or sixteen years of age. -4 A pupil, scholar. -5 An elephant in the sixth year; Mātaṅga L.5.8. -Comp. -कृच्छ्रम् a form of penance. -क्रन्दः, क्रन्दनम् the cry or weeping of a child. -क्रन्दीयः (i. e. ग्रन्थः) a work treating of the complaints of children; P.IV.3.88. -गन्धा a kind of jasmine (double jasmine). -चान्द्रायणम् a lunar penance of children; चतुरः प्रातरश्नीयात् पिण्डान् विप्रः समाहितः । चतुरोऽस्तमिते सूर्ये शिशुचान्द्रायणं स्मृतम् ॥ Ms.11.219. -नागः 1 a young elephant. -2 a young snake. -नामन् m. a camel. -पालः N. of of a king of the Chedis and son of Damaghoṣa. [According to the Viṣṇu Purāṇa this monarch was, in a previous existence, the unrighteous Hiraṇyakaśipu, king of the Asuras who was killed by Viṣṇu in the form of Narasiṁha. He was next born as the ten-headed Rāvaṇa who was killed by Rāma. Then he was born as the son of Damaghoṣa, and continued his enmity to Kṛiṣṇa, the eighth incarnation of Viṣṇu, with even greater implacability; see Śi.1. He denounced Kṛiṣṇa when they met at the Rājasūya sacrifice of Yudhiṣṭhira, but his head was cut off by Kṛiṣṇa with his discus. His death forms the subject of a celebrated poem by Māgha.] ˚हन् m. an epithet of Kṛiṣṇa. -प्रियः treacle. (-यम्) the white water-lily. -मारः 1 the Gangetic porpoise. -2 a collection of stars held to be a form of Viṣṇu. ˚शिरस् n. the north-east quarter; शिशुमार- शिरः प्राप्य न्यविशंस्ते स्म पार्थिवाः Mb.1.185.16. -वाहकः, -वाह्यकः a wild goat. -हत्या child-murder, infanticide.
   शिशुकः śiśukaḥ 1 A child, an infant; कोऽप्येष वीरशिशुकाकृति- रप्रमेयसामर्थ्यसारसमुदायमयः पदार्थः Mv.2.39. -2 The young of any animal. -3 A tree. -4 A porpoise. -5 A fish resembling a porpoise.
   शिशुलः śiśulaḥ Ved. 1 A child. -2 The young of an animal.
   शिश्नम् śiśnam, शिस्नम् śisnam [शश्-नक् नि] 1 The penis or male organ of generation; गृहीतशिश्नश्चोत्थाय मृद्भिरभ्युद्धृतैर्जलैः Y.1.17; Ms.11.105. -2 A tail. -Comp. -उदरपरायण, -शिश्नंभर a. addicted to lust and gluttony. -देवः a lustful or unchaste man (sporting with the penis); मा शिश्नदेवा अपि गुर्ऋतं नः Ṛv.7.21.5;10.99.3.
   शिश्विदान śiśvidāna a. [श्वितेर्दश्च Uṇ.2.91] 1 Pious in conduct, virtuous, holy. -2 Wicked, sinful.
   शिष् śiṣ I. 1 P. (शेषति) To hurt, kill. -II. 1 P., 10 U. (शेषति, शेषयति-ते) To leave as a remainder, spare. -III. 7 P. (शिनष्टि, शिष्ट) 1 To leave as a reminder, leave, leave remaining. -2 To distinguish or discriminate from others. -Caus. (शेषयति-ते) To leave &c.
   शिष्पः śiṣpaḥ [Uṇ.3.28] Time.
   शिष्पम् śiṣpam = शिल्पम्; L. D. B.