Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
Revised and Enlarged Edition of Prin. V. S. Apte's  The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary.
   कालिदासः kālidāsaḥ 1 N. of a celebrated poet (author of many works like Śākuntala, Raghuvaṁśa &c.). -2 N. of two other poets (author of Nalodaya and Śrutabodha).
   कालिन्द kālinda a. (-न्दी f.) [कलिन्द-अण्] Connected with or coming from the mountain Kalinda or the river Yamunā. -न्दी 1 The river Yamunā; कालिन्द्याः पुलिनेषु केलिकुपिताम् Ve.1.2; R.15.28; Śānti.4.13. -2 A sort of vessel. -3 N. of a wife of Kṛiṣṇa. (a daughter of Sūrya). -न्दम् A water melon. -Comp. -कर्षणः, -भेदनः an epithet of Balarāma q. v. -सूः f. Saṁjñā (-संज्ञा), a wife of the sun. (-m.) the sun. -सोदरः Yama, the god of death.
   कालिमन् kāliman m. 1 Blackness; Amaru.88; Śi.4.57. -2 Paleness; Śi.8.43.
   कालिय kāliya Relating to time, timely. -यः The Kaliyuga.
   कालियः kāliyaḥ N. of a tremendously large serpent who dwelt at the bottom of the Yamunā (which was a ground forbidden to Garuḍa, the enemy of serpents, owing to the curse of the sage Saubhari). He was crushed to death by Kṛiṣṇa when he was but a boy; R.6.49; Śi.17.69. -याः (pl.) The family of black serpents; Śi.19.28. -Comp. -दमनः, -मर्दनः epithets of Kṛiṣṇa.
   कालीकः kālīkaḥ A heron.
   कालीची kālīcī The judgement hall of Yama.
   कालीन kālīna a. [काल-ख] 1 Belonging to a particular time. -2 Seasonable.
   कालीयम् kālīyam [काल-छ] A kind of sandal-wood; also कालीयक.
   कालीयकः kālīyakam, कालीयकम् kālīyakam A species of aloe wood. -2 A kind of turmeric. -3 Yellow sandal. ... गात्राणि कालीयकचर्चितानि Ṛs.4.5. Here comm. मणिराम says, 'कालीयकेन जायकेन. -4 A dark kind of sandal wood. -5 Saffron; कालीयक- क्षोदविलेपनश्रियम् Śi.12.14.
   कालुष्यम् kāluṣyam 1 Foulness, dirtiness, turbidness, muddiness (fig. also); चोलकेश्वरकीर्तिश्च कालुष्यं ययतुः समम् Ks.19.95. कालुष्यमुपयाति बुद्धिः K.103 becomes muddy or defiled. -2 Opacity. -3 Disagreement.
   कालेय kāleya a. Belonging to the Kali age. -यम् 1 The liver. -2 Black sandal-wood; आश्यानकालेयकृताङ्गरागाम् Ku.7.9. -3 Saffron. -याः (-m. pl.) N. of a school of the black Yajurveda.
   कालेयकः kāleyakaḥ A kind of aloe wood. -कम् 1 A fragrant wood. -2 The black sandal wood; मधुकरकुलकलङ्ककालीकृत- कालेयककुसुमकुड्मलेषु K. -3 A disease like jaundice. -कः A dog, hound.
   कालेयरुः kāleyaruḥ 1 A dog. -2 A species of sandal.
   कालोलः kālolaḥ A crow.
   काल्प kālpa a. [कल्प-अण्] 1 Preceptive, laying down a rule, ritual. -2 Relating to Kalpa.
   काल्पः kālpam, काल्पकः kālpakaḥ Zedoary.
   काल्पनिक kālpanika a. (-की f.) [कल्पना ठक्] 1 Existing only in fancy, fictitious; काल्पनिकी व्युत्पत्तिः -2 Counterfeit, fabricated.
   काल्य kālya a. [काल-यत्] 1 Timely, seasonable. -2 Agreeable, pleasant, auspicious. -3 Of the morning time; प्रभाते काल्यमुत्थाय चक्रे गोदानमुत्तमम् Rām.1.72.21. -ल्या 1 A cow fit for the bull. -2 A woman arrived at puberty or maturity) who has reached the time favourable to conception). उपसर्या काल्या प्रजने P.III.1.104. -ल्यम् Day-break; Rām.2.7.26; काल्यं विषादविमुखः प्रतिवेशवर्गः । दोषाश्च मे वदतु कर्मसु कौशलं च ॥ Chārudattam 3.10. काल्याग्नौ द्विजकुलनादमन्त्रवादैरुद्दीप्ते तिमिरतिलाहुतिं विधाय ... Rām. Ch.7.61.
   काल्याणकम् kālyāṇakam Auspiciousness.
   कावचिक kāvacika a. (-की f.) [कवच-ठञ् ठञ् कवचिनश्च P.IV.2.41.] Armorial. -कम् A multitude of men in armour.
   कावारम् kāvāram Moss. -री An umbrella without a stick.
   कावृकः kāvṛkaḥ 1 A cock. -2 The Chakravāka bird; 'कावृकः कृवाकौ स्यात्पीतमस्तककोकयोः Medinī.
   कावेरम् kāveram Saffron.
   कावेरी kāverī 1 N. of a river in the south of India; कावेरीं सरितां पत्युः शङ्कनीयामिवाकरोत् R.4.45. -2 A harlot, courtezan. -3 Turmeric.