Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
A Practical Hindi-English Dictionary
Search for headword: दाल
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   1) दाल (p. 312) dāla

दाल dāla da:l (nf) pulse; ~मोंठ () a kind of fried and spiced preparation with pulse as one of the ingredients; —गलना a manoeuvre/tricky measure to succeed; a (guileful) move to pay; —दालिया pot-luck, poor diet; ॰करना to enforce a decision either way, to decide this way or that way; ॰होना to be decided once for all; to be ruined; —न गलना to cut no ice, to effect little; —भात में मूसलचंद an unwelcome intruder; —में काला होना to have something fishy; —रोटी चलना to maintain oneself somehow, just to manage a living.