Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
A Practical Hindi-English Dictionary
   दैनिक dainika dainīk (a) daily; (nm) daily newspaper; ~की a diary.
   दैन्य dainya dainny (nm) meekness, humbleness; poverty, indigence.
   दैया daiyā daiya: (nf) (a proclamation of utter helplessness) oh God! Gosh! Goodness gracious!; also —रे दैया.
   दैर्ध्य dairdhya dairghy (nm) length; expanse.
   दैव daiva daiv (nm) fate, fortune, destiny; ~कृत supernatural, vis major; ~गति accident; course of events as inspired by Divine Will; —दुर्विपाक misfortune; irony of fate; ~योग chance, accident; ~वश by chance, accidentally; ~वशात् by chance, accidentally; ~वाणी an oracle; Sanskrit—the speech of gods; ~वाद fatalism; ~वादी a fatalist; fatalistic; ~हीन unfortunate, unlucky; ill-fated; —दैव आलसी पुकारा its the indolent alone who shout for a divine prop, its the do- nothings who wait for a miracle.
   दैवात् daivāt daiva:t (adv) by chance, accidentally.
   दैविक daivika daivik (a) divine, godly, pertaining to or inspired by god(s).
   दैवी daivī daivi: (a) divine, ethereal, celestial.
   दैहिक daihika daihik (a) physical, somatic, corporeal; material.
   दोंचना dōñcanā dōchnā: (v) to pound, to crush; to give a beating/thrashing.
   दो do (a) two; (nm) the number two; (for compounds also see दु~); ~अमली diarchy; dual administration; ~आब, ~आबा doab, a tract of country lying between two rivers; the territory lying between the rivers गंगा and यमुना; ~एक one or two, a few; ~गला a bastard, crossbred; illegitimate; -चार a few, several; -टूक decisive, categorical, crystal clear (statement, talk, etc.); ॰फ़ैसला करना the door must either be shut or open; to arrive at a conclusive decision; ~पहर midday; noon; ~पहरी midday, noon; ~फ़सली yielding two crops a year; मुँहा see दु (~मुँहा); ~रुखा double-faced; having two faces or aspects; ~साला biennial, of two years; —की चार सुनाना to pay in the same coin along with interest; —कौड़ी का worth nothing, inconsequential; —घोड़ों पर सवारी करना to ride two horses at a time; -चार a few; ॰होना to be confronted with; -दो हाथ करना to try out comparative strength; —दिन का of recent origin, comparatively young or new; transitory; —दिन का मेहमान one whose days are numbered, with a short lease of life;—मुल्लाओं में मुर्ग़ी हराम too many cooks spoil the broth; —नावों पर पैर रखना to ride two horses at a time; —रोटी कमाना to earn one's livelihood, to make both ends meet; —शब्द a few words; —सिर होना to be ready to face death; to invite one's doom, to tread the path of sure doom.
   दोज़ख़ dōzaḵẖa dozaḳḥ (nm) the hell, inferno; ~ख़ी hellish, infernal.
   दोना dōnā donā: (nm) a cup formed by folding up large-sized leaves of certain trees (as ढाक, बड़, etc.).
   दोनों dōnōm donō (a) both, the two; —वक़्त मिलना to become dusk; —हाथ लड्डू होना to have victory on the one hand and conquest on the other; —होथों से लुटाना to burn the candle at both ends.
   दोयम dōyama doyam (a) number two, the second.
   दोलक dōlaka dolak (nm) an oscillator; a rocker.
   दोलन dōlana dolān (nm) oscillation; rocking.