Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
A Practical Hindi-English Dictionary
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   1) जलना (p. 237) jalanā

जलना jalanā jalnā: (v) to burn; to be inflamed/kindled; to be scorched; to feel jealous, to envy; —कर out of jealousy, inspired by jealousy; -भुनकर कबाब/कोयला/ख़ाक/राख होना to burn with rage or envy; —मरना to burn oneself out of jealousy; to immolate oneself; ~ती आग में कूदना to knowingly burn one's fingers; ~ती आग में घी/तेल डालना to add fuel to the fire, to fan the flame; जला कर राख कर देना to lay to the ashes; जला-जलाकर मारना to inflict a slow painful death, to tease to death; जला-भुना fretting and fuming; जली-कटी सुनाना to make caustic and stinging remarks; जले को जलाना to insult the already afflicted; जले पर नमक छिड़कना to add insult to injury; जले फफोले फोड़ना to give vent to one's accumulated rage; to burst forth with invectives.