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Hobson-Jobson: A Glossary of Colloquial Anglo-Indian Words and Phrases, and of Kindred Terms, Etymological, Historical, Geographical and Discursive
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   1) TODDY (p. 928)
TODDY, s. A corruption of Hind. tāṛī, i.e. the fermented sap of the tāṛ or palmyra, Skt. tāla, and also of other palms, such as the date, the coco-palm, and the Caryota urens; palm-wine. Toddy is generally the substance used in India as yeast, to leaven bread. The word, as is well known, has received a new application in Scotland, the immediate history of which we have not traced. The tāla-tree seems to be indicated, though confusedly, in this passage of Megasthenes from Arrian:

c. B.C. 320. — "Megasthenes tells us . . . the Indians were in old times nomadic . . . were so barbarous that they wore the skins of such wild animals as they could kill, and subsisted (?) on the bark of trees; that these trees were called in the Indian speech tala, and that there grew on them as there grows at the tops of the (date) palm trees, a fruit resembling balls of wool." — Arrian, Indica, vii., tr. by McCrindle.

c. 1330. — ". . . There is another tree of a different species, which . . . gives all the year round a white liquor, pleasant to drink, which tree is called tari." — Fr. Jordanus, 16.

[1554. — "There is in Gujaret a tree of the palm-tribe, called tari agadji (millet tree). From its branches cups are suspended, and when the cut end of a branch is placed into one of these vessels, a sweet liquid, something of the nature of arrack, flows out in a continuous stream . . . and presently changes into a most wonderful wine." — Travels of Sidi Ali Reïs, trans. A. Vambéry, p. 29.]

[1609-10. — "Tarree." See under SURA.]

1611. — "Palmiti Wine, which they call Taddy." — N. Dounton, in Purchas, i. 298.

[1614. — "A sort of wine that distilleth out of the Palmetto trees, called Tadie."— Foster, Letters, iii. 4.]

". . . And then more to glad yee
Weele have a health to al our friends in Tadee."
Verses to T. Coryat, in Crudities, iii. 47.

1623. — ". . . on board of which we stayed till nightfall, entertaining with conversation and drinking tari, a liquor which is drawn from the coco-nut trees, of a whitish colour, a little turbid, and of a somewhat rough taste, though with a blending in sweetness, and not unpalatable, something like one of our vini piccanti. It will also intoxicate, like wine, if drunk over freely."— P. della Valle, ii. 530; [Hak. Soc. i. 62].

[1634. — "The Toddy-tree is like the Date of Palm; the Wine called Toddy is got by wounding and piercing the Tree, and putting a Jar or Pitcher under it, so as the Liquor may drop into it." — Sir T. Herbert, in Harris, i. 408.]

1648. — "The country . . . is planted with palmito-trees, from which a sap is drawn called Terry, that they very commonly drink." — Van Twist, 12.

1653. — ". . . le tari qui est le vin ordinaire des Indes." — De la Boullaye-le-Gouz, 246.

1673. — "The Natives singing and roaring all Night long; being drunk with Toddy, the Wine of the Cocoe." — Fryer, 53.

" "As for the rest, they are very respectful, unless the Seamen and Soldiers get drunk, either with Toddy or Bang."— Ibid. 91.

1686. — "Besides the Liquor or Water in the Fruit, there is also a sort of Wine drawn from the Tree called Toddy, which looks like Whey." — Dampier, i. 293.

1705. — ". . . cette liqueur s'appelle tarif." — Luillier, 43.

1710. — This word was in common use at Madras. — Wheeler, ii. 125.

1750. — "J. Was vor Leute trincken Taddy? C. Die Soldaten, die Land Portugiesen, die Parreier (see PARIAH) und Schiffleute trincken diesen Taddy."— Madras, oder Fort St. George, &c., Halle, 1750.

1857. — "It is the unfermented juice of the Palmyra which is used as food: when allowed to ferment, which it will do before midday, if left to itself, it is changed into a sweet, intoxicating drink called 'kal' or 'toddy.'" — Bp. Caldwell, Lectures on Tinnevelly Mission, p. 33.

 "The Rat, returning home full of Toddy, said, If I meet the Cat, I will tear him in pieces." — Ceylon Proverb, in Ind. Antiq. i. 59.

Of the Scotch application of the word we can find but one example in Burns, and, strange to say, no mention in Jameson's Dictionary:

"The lads an' lasses, blythely bent
To mind baith saul an' body,
Sit round the table, weel content.
An' steer about the toddy. . . ."
Burns, The Holy Fair.

1798. — "Action of the case, for giving her a dose in some toddy, to intoxicate and inflame her passions." — Roots's Reports, i. 80.

". . . I've nae fear for't;
For siller, faith, ye ne'er did care for't,
Unless to help a needful body,
An' get an antrin glass o' toddy."
Tannahill, Epistle to James Barr.