Digital Dictionaries of South Asia Kittel's Kannada-English dictionary.
Search for headword: ಪರಿಮಳ
2 results Highlight Kannada and press "t" to transliterate.

   1) ಪರಿಮಳಿಸು parimaḷisu (p. 1006)

ಪರಿಮಳಿಸು parimaḷisu. to be exquisitely fragrant, to be highly perfumed (Bp. 14, 8; 18, 29; 43, 25; 44, 26; My.).

   2) ಪರಿಮಳಿಸುಹ parimaḷisuha (p. 1006)

ಪರಿಮಳಿಸುಹ parimaḷisuha. being exquisitely fragrant; smell, as one of the objects of sense (see Nr. s. ಸವಿಹ).