Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
A Practical Sanskrit Dictionary with Transliteration, Accentuation, and Etymological Analysis Throughout
Search for headword: śir
12 results Highlight Devanagari and press "t" to transliterate.

   1) शिर् śir (p. 313)

शिर् śir

शिर् SIR (=√2. sri), mingle: pp. ãsîrta, mixed with (in.; RV.).

   2) शिर् śir (p. 313)

शिर् śir

शिर् sir a. (–˚) harassing [√sri].

   3) शिर śira (p. 313)

शिर śira

शिर sira m. (=siras) head (rare).

   4) शिरःकपाल śiraḥkapāla (p. 313)

शिरःकपाल śiraḥkapāla

शिरःकपाल sirah-kapâla n. skull; -kapâlin, a. carrying a skull; -kampa, m. shaking of the head (sts. pl.); -kampin, a. shaking the head; -krintana, n. decapitation; s-kheda, m., s-khedana, n. id.; h-sâtaka, n. (?)turban; -sila, m. N. of a fortress; -sûla, n. violent headache; -sesha, a. having the head only left; m. Râhu; -srit, a. being at the top of (–˚).

   5) शिरस् śiras (p. 314)

शिरस् śiras

शिरस् sír-as n. head; summit, peak, top; front, van (of an army); head, chief, first; N. of the verse ʻâpo gyotir âpo ƶ mritamʼ: siro dâ, give up one's (head=) life; – dhri, hold up one's head; – vah, hold one's head high, be proud; – vartaya, hold out one's head, declare oneself ready for punishment (when an opponent has cleared himself in an ordeal); sirasâ kri, grah, or dhâ, place on the head; – dhri, bhri, or vah, hold or carry on the head; – kri, receive reverently, honour; – gam, yâ, pra-nam, pra-ni-pat, touch with one's head, bow down; sirasi kri or ni- dhâ, place on one's head; – sthâ, be on the head; hang over the head of, be imminent; stand at the head of=far above (g.).

   6) शिरसिज śirasija (p. 314)

शिरसिज śirasija

शिरसिज sirasi-ga m. (produced on the head), hair of the head.

   7) शिरस्क śiraska (p. 314)

शिरस्क śiraska

शिरस्क siras-ka –˚ a.=siras; -tas, a. out of, from, or at the head; from the head onwards; -tra, n. helmet; -trâna, n. id.

   8) शिरःस्थ śiraḥstha (p. 314)

शिरःस्थ śiraḥstha

शिरःस्थ sirah-stha a. borne on the head; hanging over one's head, imminent; -sthâna, n. chief place; -sthita, pp. being in the head, cerebral (sound); -snâta, pp. having bathed one's head.

   9) शिरिणा śiriṇā (p. 314)

शिरिणा śiriṇā

शिरिणा sírinâ f. night (RV.1).

   10) शिरिम्बिठ śirimbiṭha (p. 314)

शिरिम्बिठ śirimbiṭha

शिरिम्बिठ sirímbitha m. cloud.

   11) शिरीष śirīṣa (p. 314)

शिरीष śirīṣa

शिरीष sirîsha m. a tree (Acacia Sirissa); n. its flower.

   12) शिरोग्रीव śirogrīva (p. 314)

शिरोग्रीव śirogrīva

शिरोग्रीव siro-grîvá n. sg. head and neck (V.); -ghâta, m. blow on the head; -ga, n. pl. hair of the head; -dhara, m., gnly. â, f. (head-bearer), neck; -dharanîya, fp. to be borne on the head, to be greatly honoured; -dhâman, n. head (of a bed); -dhi, m. neck; -dhûnana, n. shaking of the head; -nati, f. bowing the head; -bhâga, m. top (of a tree); head (of a bed); -bhûshana, n. head ornament; -mani, m. crest-jewel; chief of (g., –˚); T. of distinguished works or scholars; -mâtra̮avasesha, a. of whom the head only remains (Râhu); -mukha, n. sg. head and face; -rakshin, m. body-guard; -rug, f. headache: -â, f. id.; -ruha, m. hair of the head; -(a)rti, f. (=-ârti) headache; -veda- nâ, f. headache; -hrit-kamala, n. lotus of head and heart.