Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
A dictionary, Marathi and English. 2d ed., rev. and enl
   त्रिकाल trikāla m (S) pop. त्रिकाळ m The three times—the past, the present, the future: also the three periods of the day—morning, noon, evening. Valuable compounds are formed with त्रिकाल: of such many follow in order. Such as त्रिकाल-पूजा-स्नान-नैवेद्य-संध्या-भोक्ता-भोजी-स्नायी-रक्षक, and numerous others demand no explanation, and are created and abandoned with the occasion. त्रिकाळीं At a late season or hour, i. e. in the time after noon;—with reference to the usual forenoon or noon-meal. Ex. त्रि॰ भोजन केल्यामुळें प्रकृति ढळली. Also, with accommodation of sense to the cases, त्रिकाळाचा & त्रिकाळानें.
   त्रिकाल trikāla ad (S) pop. त्रिकाळ ad At the three parts or divisions of the day—at morning, noon, and evening: also in the three times—in the past, the present, and the future.
   त्रिकालदर्शी trikāladarśī a S Before whom the past, present, and future are open to view, omniscient.
   त्रिकालज्ञ trikālajña a (S) त्रिकालज्ञाता a (S) त्रिकालवेत्ता a (S) Acquainted with the past, present, and future, omniscient.
   त्रिकालज्ञान trikālajñāna n (S) Acquaintance with the past, present, and future.
   त्रिकाळी trikāḷī f A flowering shrub, Malva sylvestris.
   त्रिकीं trikīm ind The term used in multiplying unity by three; as एके त्रिकीं तीन.
   त्रिकूट trikūṭa n S A mountain with three peaks. 2 A confederacy or association of three, a triad, a trio.
   त्रिकोण trikōṇa n (S) A trigon or triangle. 2 A triangular thing gen.
   त्रिकोण trikōṇa a (S) Triangular.
   त्रिखुंट trikhuṇṭa a Having three corners, points, or bearings.
   त्रिगण trigaṇa m S The three classes of the objects of human pursuit or desire—money, woman or pleasure, and virtue. 2 The three classes of beings—देव, मनुष्य, राक्षस.
   त्रिगुण triguṇa n (S) The three qualities incidental to created being, viz. सत्व, रज, तम.
   त्रिगुण triguṇa a (S) Three-fold.
   त्रिगूळ trigūḷa m (See तिरगूळ) A tribe of Bráhmans &c.
   त्रिघात trighāta m S The product of a number multiplied twice by itself, the cube.
   त्रिचरण tricaraṇa a S Three-footed. 2 Used as s m as a descriptive name of Fire (fire being three-tongued or three-spired). Ex. त्रि॰ चेतविला ।। आकाशपंथें धावति ज्वाळा ।।.
   त्रिजग trijaga n (Poetry.) त्रिजगत् n S The three worlds. Ex. आक्रमी स्वचरणें त्रिजगातें ।। राम हा म्हणुनि शास्त्र हि गातें ।।; also त्याचे खेळ ऐकता वरिष्ठ ।। भक्त होति त्रिजगतीं ।।.
   त्रिजात trijāta n An aggregate of three spices—cinnamon, cardamons, and leaf of Laurus cassia.
   त्रिज्या trijyā f S (Sine of three.) A radius.
   त्रिताप tritāpa m pl S The three classes of affliction. See त्रिविधताप. Ex. त्रितापाचा आवर्त्तपूर्ण ।। पुढें आला आड विघ्न ।। त्यावरी घालून सुदर्शन ।। &c.
   त्रितिकांड्या tritikāṇḍyā Vulgar mistake for त्रिकांड्या.
   त्रिदंडी tridaṇḍī m S A wandering devotee of a particular order. He carries three bamboo staves in his right hand. 2 The religious man who has obtained command over his words, thoughts, and actions, or over his speech, mind, and body.
   त्रिदल tridala a (S) pop. त्रिदळ a Trifoliate or three-leaved. 2 Having three leaves upon its stem.
   त्रिदलपूजा tridalapūjā f (S) Worship of the leaf of बिल्व (Ӕgle Marmelos, sacred to Shiva). Ex. त्रि॰ रुद्राभिषेक ।। त्या पुण्यास पार नाहीं ।।.
   त्रिदिन tridina n S A period of three days.
   त्रिदोष tridōṣa m pl (S) The three humors of the body, कफ, पित्त, वात. 2 m or त्रिदोषवायु or त्रिदोषविकार &c. Disorder of the three humors; vitiation of the bile, blood, and phlegm.
   त्रिधा tridhā ad S In three ways or directions. 2 As used as s f त्रेधा is more common.
   त्रिनयन trinayana a (S) त्रिलोचन a (S) Trinoculous, having three eyes—Shiva &c.
   त्रिपद tripada a (S) Tripedal or three-footed. 2 Of three lines—a stanza. 3 In arithmetic. Trinomial.
   त्रिपदभूमि tripadabhūmi f (S) The land of the three steps (taken by विष्णु in his वामनावतार to defraud the virtuous king महाबलि), viz. heaven, earth, and the region beneath the earth (पाताल).
   त्रिपदी tripadī f (S) A three-legged stool or stand, a tripod or trevet.
   त्रिपन्न tripanna, त्रिसष्ट trisaṣṭa, त्रिहत्तर trihattara Better त्रेपन्न &c.
   त्रिपर्ण triparṇa a (S) Three-leaved, trifoliate.
   त्रिपर्ण triparṇa m n (S) Three-leaved trefoil.
   त्रिपाद tripāda a S Of which three-fourths are included under one राशि or sign—a constellation, such as कृत्तिका, पुनर्वसु &c. 2 Used as s m Such a constellation. त्रि॰ लागणें in. con. To die under the prevalence of a constellation called त्रि॰ This is considered as unfortunate.
   त्रिपुटी tripuṭī f S The aggregate of agent, object, and action; as ध्येय ध्याता ध्यान ।। ज्ञेय ज्ञाता ज्ञान ।। नुरे भज्य भजक भजन ।। म्हणे त्रि॰ जपें गेलिं विसरोनि ।। तटस्थ वाणी निगमाची ।।; also द्रष्टा, दृश्य, & दर्शन, भोक्ता, भोज्य, & भोजन &c. ad libitum. Also त्रिपुटी कारण n Ex. जेथें ज्ञेय ज्ञाता ज्ञान निश्चत्त ।। ध्येय ध्याता ध्यान नाठवत ।। त्रि॰ नाहीं जेथें ।। निजे तेथें निज बाळा ।।.
   त्रिपुंड्र tripuṇḍra m n S Three horizontal lines drawn on the forehead with ashes by the स्मार्त्त sect (worshipers of शिव): also three vertical lines drawn with गोपीचंदन or chalk by the वैष्णव sect (worshipers of विष्णु): also attrib. bearing upon the forehead these distinctive or sectarial lines.
   त्रिपुंड्रधारी tripuṇḍradhārī m (S) A Rámánuj or worshiper of विष्णु, one that bears the त्रिपुंड्र.
   त्रिपुर tripura n (S) A district, the modern Tipperah. 2 m A large lamp burned before the idol on the day of the full moon of Kártik; esp. as placed on the lamp-pillar standing in front of the temple. 3 The lights which, on the day of Shivarátra, women burn before the image of Shiva. 4 The lamp-pillar which is erected in front of a temple.
   त्रिपुरीपुनव tripurīpunava, त्रिपुरीपोर्णिमा tripurīpōrṇimā f The day of the full moon of Kártik; on which a lamp is placed on the lamp-pillar in front of the temple.
   त्रिपुरूष tripurūṣa m (S) The three males,—father, grandfather, and great-grandfather.
   त्रिपुरोत्सव tripurōtsava m (S) The festival of Tripur on the day of full moon of Kártik.
   त्रिफणी triphaṇī f S A drill plough. See तिफणी.
   त्रिफला triphalā, त्रिफळा triphaḷā f m (त्रिफला S) The three myrobalans, हिरडा, बेहडा, अंवळकटी.
   त्रिभज्या tribhajyā f S The radius,—the sines of three signs of the zodiac, or 90˚.
   त्रिभुवन tribhuvana n (S) The three worlds, स्वर्ग, मृत्यु, पाताल.
   त्रिभुवनगोसावी tribhuvanagōsāvī m A designation of Shiva, Ráma, दत्तात्रेय, or of मछंदरनाथ, ज्यालंदरनाथ &c., of the Deity, or of an eminent saint gen. Ex. तो राम त्रि॰ ।। काय एक करूं न शके ।।.
   त्रिभोनलग्न tribhōnalagna n S Nonagesimal degree.
   त्रिमल्ल trimalla, त्रिमल्ली trimallī m See तिरमल्ली.
   त्रिमिर trimira, त्रिमीर trimīra n (Poetry. Corr. from तिमिर) Darkness. Ex. वारलें हें झाड त्रिमिराचें ।।.
   त्रिमूर्त्ति trimūrtti m (S) The united form of ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, & शिव, the Hindú triad.
   त्रियुकपद triyukapada a S Trinomial.
   त्रियोदश triyōdaśa, त्रियोदशी triyōdaśī f Corrupt for त्र॰. And for त्रियोदशा m see तेरावा.
   त्रिरात्र trirātra n (S) A period of three nights and three days.
   त्रिरात्र trirātra ad (S) For, during, whilst, through &c. three days and three nights. Ex. कन्येनें मातेचें आशौच त्रि॰ धरावें.
   त्रिरात्रांतला trirātrāntalā a (त्रिरात्र S) One so standing in relation to us as that by his death आशौच or impurity arises to us for the space of three natural days.
   त्रिराशी trirāśī f (Properly त्रैराशिक q. v.) The rule of three.
   त्रिरूच्चारित trirūccārita a S Thrice uttered or said. Hence fixed, firm, positive, certain, sure.
   त्रिलोकी trilōkī f S pop. त्रिलोक m The three worlds, स्वर्ग, मृत्यु, पाताल. त्रिलोकांत झेंडा लावणें-निवटणें &c. To make a noise in the world.
   त्रिवट trivaṭa m A particular musical time or measure.
   त्रिवर्ग trivarga m (S) Three classes or sets: three objects of human desire or pursuit, viz. money, woman or pleasure, virtue: three conditions of a king or state, viz. prosperity, evenness, decay; or loss, gain, equality: the three qualities of nature, viz. purity, blindness, depravity: the three myrobalans &c. 2 Three persons or individuals, as आम्ही त्रिवर्ग We three.
   त्रिवली trivalī f pl (S) pop. त्रिवळी f The three corrugations or folds across the abdomen.
   त्रिवाचा trivācā f (Esp. in poetry.) A promise or matter thrice-uttered. Hence a promise or a word sure and certain. Ex. जाणकी आणीन हें प्रमाण ।। सत्य सत्य त्रि॰ ।।. 2 Used as ad With all certainty or faithfulness.
   त्रिवार trivāra ad (S) Thrice. In comp. with words (such as निश्चय-संकल्प-वचन-अपराध-दंड-धर्म-शिक्षा-बोध-उच्चारण-&c.) it signifies Repeated or reiterate, i. e. firm, confirmed, positive, heavy, aggravated, emphatic &c.
   त्रिवारपुण्य trivārapuṇya n पुण्य or merit transferred after solemnly saying three times, "I give it."
   त्रिविध trividha a (S) Of three kinds or sorts. Ex. of comp. त्रि॰ दान, त्रि॰ पाप, त्रि॰ पुण्य, त्रि॰ व्रत, त्रि॰ स्नान Triform or threefold giving, sin, virtue, observance, ablution, i. e. कायिक, वाचिक, मानसिक corporeal, oral, and mental giving,-sin,-virtue &c. Other compounds follow in order.
   त्रिविधतप trividhatapa n S Threefold तप or Austere devotion: viz. कायिक, वाचिक, मानसिक Corporeal, oral, mental.
   त्रिविधताप trividhatāpa m pl (S) The three classes, as to their origin, seat, or nature, of Affliction, viz. आध्यात्मिक, आधिभौतिक, आधिदैविक Psychical or corporeal (as sorrow, sickness &c.), physical or material (as earthquake, conflagration, inundation, storm &c.), from the gods or devils or fate (as injury from lightning, pestilence, blight &c.) Ex. तुका म्हणे त्रि॰ ।। मग जाती आपोआप ।।.
   त्रिविधनायिका trividhanāyikā f pl. S The three classes (grades in age) of females, viz. मुग्धा, मध्या, प्रौढा.
   त्रिविधपरीक्षा trividhaparīkṣā f S In medicine. The three-kind-examination, viz. दर्शन, स्पर्शन प्रश्न Inspection of the countenance &c., feeling of the pulse, interrogation.
   त्रिविधप्रारब्ध trividhaprārabdha n S The three kinds of प्रारब्ध or fortune, viz. अनिच्छा प्रा॰, स्वेच्छा प्रा,0 परेच्छा प्रा॰.
   त्रिविधमंगल trividhamaṅgala n S Threefold मंगल (Observance at the commencement of an undertaking to secure auspicious influences and success), viz. आशीर्वादात्मक, वस्तुनिर्देशात्मक, नमस्कारात्मक Asking Divine blessing, recording or calling to mind some worthy person or performance, rendering obeisance to some god or Guru.